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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by BNGed8

  1. I had a full panel ran almost 2 years ago by my Rheumatologist to rule out any other autoimmune issues that she would be dealing with. They all came back negative except a weak Sjogrens marker but she told me it was nothing to worry about as I did not present most symptoms for it. I do have a script to get them all done again which I will be scheduling soon...
  2. Hello All, I was diagnosed with celiac in June 2021 & all was good after a while on a gluten-free diet besides for the few rabbit holes I went down at times. I was hoping anyone could assist with what they think could be causing a few of my everyday symptoms that has made quality of life not so fun the last year. There are alot of "symptoms" so I...
  3. Thank you for all the replies. I was seen by a rheumatologist immediately, who also suspected SS. She did blood work which I received back today. I did finally on the 3rd time testing, receive a positive ANA. I will await my doctor's call to see what the results actually mean, but have also provided them below for anyone who has a clue. My Sjogren Anti SS...
  4. I saw my primary yesterday, who did more blood work & referred me to a rheumatologist. She suspects I have Sjogrens Syndrome, which I feared I had the whole time. The dry eyes & mouth at night & morning are what makes it most difficult. I was hoping anyone who also has this condition can help me make life as “normal” as possible. I know my ...
  5. Hello All, I was diagnosed in early June 2021 with Celiac Disease & the few months after were a nightmare (mostly anxiety). At that time, I complained to my doctors as well as the hospital that I was experiencing blurry vision and what seemed to be floaters. They did blood tests to rule out other AI diseases, which all came back clear. This seemed...
  6. Hello again, Just wanted to give another update as I had my EMG today. This came back 100% clear which has ruled out all the nasty stuff. This update is for anyone who may be going through the same exact thing as me, with the pains, twitching, throat feeling etc... Anxiety & Celiac are not a cute couple, and can really make you feel like you...
  7. Hello All! I am now a little over 2 months into my Celiac Journey and just had a few questions in regards to my body that feels so old now. Was hoping anyone could possibly answer and let me know if they have experienced this early in the healing or even still to this day. I still get the twitching & muscle aches which my Neuro believes to be...
  8. @Scott Adams Thanks for the reply! So I had conflicting reports. The first representative told me yes, these do include gluten but when I called back for reassurance the next representative said no it doesn't. She also apologized that the previous rep would say that. Needless to say, I definitely will not be taking it anymore as I am unable to even...
  9. Hey Guys, In addition to the above, I wanted to see if anyone had any input on the new vitamin/supplements I got. Really trying to make sure I am not poisoning myself any further; Vitamin B Complex- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07414752B/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Benfotiamine (B1) - https://www.amazon.com/gp...
  10. Hello Everyone! So an additional update. I have been feeling more pains lately so I started popping Tylenol Extra Strength Rapid Release Gels alittle more than usual! This was what the ER doctor recommended so I didn't think any less of it. I decided to call up J&J & they tell me these do contain Gluten! It was my mistake as I searched Tylenol...
  11. Hello everyone! I just wanted to update this forum as it may help someone who is going through the exact same thing as me. I tend to search the forums every day/night for similar stories so just want to document this for whoever needs it. I have decided to get better vitamins/supplements after searching the web for a few days, which hopefully arrive...
  12. Hello anyone! So I have been taking Vitamin Supplements for about 2 weeks now & wanted to make sure the ones I am taking are fine. I am taking the Spring Valley (Walmart Brand) B1, Magnesium, & B Complex. It states No Gluten on it, but some of my other vitamin brands says Gluten Free. The definition of No Gluten I found was; "Manufacturers...
  13. @Scott Adams Great read! I will try the dairy free for a few months to see how it goes. The only one I am not sure if I can handle is no eggs! But anything to help the body recover and not cause any further damage that may not be reversible.
  14. @Scott Adams sorry for the questions, but I am trying to learn a lot fast & ask the more experienced people my questions. Did your daughter have an allergic reaction? Or it was just a symptom from celiac when she was eating gluten still. I definitely do think I could have ingested gluten even though I am trying to be careful as I am still new. Do you...
  15. I am assuming my Celiac came forth due to the Covid outbreak. I did not experience any symptoms or have a positive testing, but my girlfriend did. I have read from some articles you guys have posted that this could become an issue. @Scott AdamsIn regards to my throat, I have not touched a cigar in 2 months (since I started feeling ill from celiac), so...
  16. Hey Scott, Thanks for the information! I am thinking it could have something to do with an upper respiratory thing as well. I have been having this for a week or so, and woke up yesterday with a weird feeling in my chest as well. Kind of sharp pain like I smoked 3 cigars yesterday & pain all throughout my body. Never smoked a cigarette but the occasional...
  17. Hey Scott, So I never seemed to get this before being diagnosed with celiac, and have been gluten free for over a month now. I do think I have been getting sneaky gluten in there throughout the first week or 2, but have definitely been more strict since. No eating out & checking ingredients/scanning with an app every time. Could I have developed...
  18. Hello, Not sure if anyone is still following this post but I wanted to get clarity on another symptom I have been having & see if anyone else has experienced this. For the last week or 2 I get what feels like my throat is tightening, which occurs on & off throughout the day. I can still breathe & speak fine, as well as swallow pretty much...
  19. Hey All, So after being diagnosed a little over a month ago, I have my good and bad days (more bad). It seems somedays I barely have any muscle twitching or pain, but then other days it just takes over the whole day. I am thinking maybe since this is all new to me, maybe gluten is sneaking in somehow? I just recently stopped ordering out, even if it...
  20. Thank you for your response! What dosage of Thiamine do you recommend starting on for the best/quickest results. Obviously I know it will take some time, just sucks losing a year to Covid, then the next year to this! I am also on a prescribed 50k D2 weekly. Primary said I can take other vitamin D daily, but obviously don't over due it. Any recommendations...
  21. Hello, Thank you for your response! Did you ever feel pain or soreness in the spots your muscles were twitching the following day? I know Vitamin D deficiency can cause pain in bone/muscle, and anxiety can cause me to tense up. But just having the pains in those areas the next day makes my anxiety even worse.
  22. Hello Everyone, So I just got back my Vitamin bloodwork back, and seems like my only deficiency is Vitamin D. Magnesium, B12 & iron are all good. They are all either mid range to higher levels within range. I was honestly hoping for the Magnesium deficiency to explain the muscle twitching. As mentioned prior, I do have a very low Vitamin D could...
  23. Hey Scott & Everyone else, Thank you for all the input & articles they really do help, especially for newly diagnosed people who are trying their best. I did read an article that you put out a while ago, about gluten free/safe drinks where you listed beers that are Brewed/Crafted to remove gluten (through an enzyme) as safe I believe? I was wondering...
  24. Going Gluten Free can definitely help in the meantime, I just have seen a lot of people on here say that sometimes it helps with everything but anxiety. As you don't have the definitive answer that our minds crave. Also would like to add that even with my diagnoses, I still feel like I am dying as symptoms can last for many months after going Gluten Free...
  25. Hello Everyone, I am a month into my Gluten Free diet and the abdominal pains have pretty much gone away, but I do have constant pain & some days I do feel the brain fog & anxiety worse than others. I know I still have a long road to recovery & that its very easy for newcomers to accidentally gluten themselves as we are as experienced. So...
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