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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Cry123

  1. Thank you Trents...why don't I think I have celiacs? Just really hoping, but honestly I don't really care - if I feel better staying clean of gluten I will do it. It’s the social aspect that gets me, I'm shy as it is around new people, I fear having a dietary restriction will bring unwanted scrutiny and attention. Just have to remember not to test t...
  2. Hi, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's after my daughter was born, but had a goiter big enough since 12 that I tricked my stepsister into thinking I'd been born a boy. I went over a decade asking doctors why I had an Adam's apple and no one could tell me. And we were middle class folks with extremely good health insurance. I was not a healthy kid. Anyway...
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