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Spherical Bird

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Spherical Bird

  1. Hi everyone ! I come with some news about all of this after some time. Some good and some other middly irritating (litterally) Mood wise, life has significantly gotten better with vitamins (to a point where I consider I might get tested with gluten intolerance if it doesn't impact my body as much as when I am deficient) I also think the libido problem...
  2. Thanks for the suggestions and additionnal details Knittykitty ! I have started using vitamins since 3 days now and it seems that there is B1 in the pills I took so that's good new. I noticed too late that asking for the exact products references here may not be that useful because I live in France so I might not have the same opportunities. But I guess I...
  3. Oh, inflammation isn't the reason I avoid them actually, it's mostly for their high glycemic index. I've noticed that they would increase my tiredness, give me weird tingling sensations in the limbs and increase my migraines intensity if I've been glutened and so on... so I haven't eaten any in two years now. Only in starch form in these bread. But I assume...
  4. This is interesting. I definitely feel that I have some issues in the throat when I am too tired and anemiated/deficient, and I've found that using a special salt (mixed with plants) do have some interesting relieving effects too. I'll make sure to get enough of these too then. I also just started my vitamins cure today. I hope I get some good results...
  5. I'm asking because I must admit that, because of past trials, I'm also careful with tryptophan too. I remember not having some of the best reactions to foods that contained some. I always had the weirdest dreams out of them and even used to joke, saying this was my own "drug" to get the silliest dreams. The problem is that they were either exhausting...
  6. I don't know why it seems that I also quoted your message Knitty Kitty, maybe a bug or a mistake I made. But whatever. Anyway, tank you for your suggestions and clear explanations. That makes a lot of sense regarding what I could observe when it comes to food reactions. And... That also make a lot of vitamins to take actually. I must admit I am a bit...
  7. Unfortunately, I wasn't officially diagnosed with celiac because I couldn't find the patience to keep eating gluten for the test. The reason behind this is that I always had a very scary dysphagia/sleep apnea at night if I ever eat some. This symptom also tend to reappear to if I ate too much corn too (but to a lesser extent). I don't know about the...
  8. Sounds great ! So so for my part, but hopefully, it will probably get better with some time too. I never heard about ashwaghanda but its components resolutely sound interesting. Thanks for sharing ! Probiotics sounds great too. I use lactobacillus based ones and I have a feeling they resolutely help too. Glad to know you find some relief with these aswell...
  9. What do you mean by herbal teas ? Real tea or more herbs mix ? I'd personally be careful with the tea. If you're gluten intolerant, you might already have malabsorption problems. Drinks like tea or caffeine (which have similar effects) may prevent iron absorption. Maybe that could partly help to get rid of the anxiety. Make sure you're getting...
  10. Thank you Wheatwacked and Knitty Kitty. It's always interesting to read differents inputs/points of views on similar issues and shared intolerances too. It also reinforces some intuitions I had about my own too ! I like tomato sauces depending on the health of my guts. On the worst days, I can't absorb it at all. But if I'm good, no problem. And glad...
  11. I noticed I made some typos anyway and can't edit my message. On phone at least, I hope it's still easy to read. Feel free to tell me if it isn't.
  12. Hi everyone ! I'm posting this topic because I have a feeling my case might be a little specific. Also, before I start anything, please keep in mind that I'm not a native English speaker so I apologize if I make any typo or misspell anything. Feel free to correct me too. Anyway, the title sum it all. I've been trying to remain gluten free since two years...
  13. I see ! Thank you for the details ! Ironically I found myself having mild ataxia yesterday (and that seems to make me a little moody when it comes to grasp intents in text messages 😅 so I apologize) As someone who haven't got an assigned doctor yet (for some unknown reasons a proper examination is complicated for most nowadays... And I couldn't ...
  14. First of all, I want to apologize if my English is a bit awkward, or if my understanding of comments is mediocre. Or both. But I'm not a native English speaker. But yeah, as someone who is gluten intolerant and also get ataxia and migraines from glutamic acid based foods, I'm interested. And as the author said, bread is, indeed part glutamic acid too...
  15. Hi Lauraclay, don't worry too much; I saw from your profile that you were recently diagnosed with celiac. If that can help, know that even if you stopped eating gluten, chances are you may have other conditions such are other intolerances. This could explain your diarrheas; I know I can get them from lactose. Those are symptoms that can coexist with celiac...
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