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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Kate1990

  1. Hi, I've started taking calcium citrate supplements from Webber Naturals. It says that it contains no gluten, but not that it is gluten-free. I've reached out to the company by e-mail and they have assured me that it is gluten-free. However, I think I'm reacting to it. I've searched everything else I consume and haven't found any possible source...
  2. Hi, I've tried many brands of gluten-free bread and even tried making some at home, but they always give me severe stomach pain and other digestive symptoms. Can anyone help me understand why, and provide suggestions for what I could try? I've been completely gluten-free for 8 years and other gluten-free products don't cause me issues.
  3. Hi Kate, Thank you for taking the write such a detailed response. I'll definitely check out anxietycentre.com - I hadn't thought of that. On top of the stress of the pandemic, it messed with our usual schedules and habit, and for me that meant I stopped doing yoga/meditation regularly. I'll pick it back up thanks to your advice and I hope it will help...
  4. Thank you, I'll try these out! Maybe the ones I bought originally weren't of the right quality or the right strains
  5. Thank you Scott for taking the time to answer! I already cut out dairy a long time ago because it gives me cystic acne. I tried the probiotics in capsules and it didn't seem to work, but now I'm trying coconut yogurt with probiotics in it and it seems to help. My dr wants me to take Dexilant but I'm worried it might make things worse. At this point I'm just...
  6. That's the thing, my GP doesn't think it's serious and refuses to give me a recommendation for a gastro or even a nutritionist. I'm on my own to figure this out... Since doing more research on this forum I've cut out oats and I think it's helping...
  7. Hi again, I made a post about a month ago because I couldn't find why my symptoms had returned after 5 years without any - turns out I had been taking meds that had gluten in them for about 3 months, with symptoms starting during the second month and exploding in the third month. I stopped taking it a month ago and the DH has gone down by at least...
  8. Hi Rebecca, Your baby is so beautiful! 🥰 Congratulations! I just wanted to add a little something about the possible trigger. As others have said in the thread, my experience is also that : -sometimes it happens the very next day, but other times it's only months after the contamination. It makes it hard to pinpoint the cause, but at least yo...
  9. Hi Natalie, Sorry to hear that you're in so much pain! I'm not sure where you are located so this might not be an option, and it's not super legit, but it's what worked for me: being super annoying. I live in Canada and I was told I'd have to wait at least a year for a biopsy. I called every day for 3 weeks, after which they caved in and gave me an appointment...
  10. Hannah, I'm so sorry that you're going through this. Although every situation is different, I hope that by sharing my experience I can make it just a little bit easier for you and give you hope, because even though it's hard to see right now, there absolutely is hope. I had a similar eating disorder for 15 years and tried everything to get it under...
  11. Thank you so much not only for the info but also for the encouragement! xoxo
  12. Omg! I just looked up the lectin part and I have peanuts every morning. I'm definitely going to try this!! I've always had problems with dairy also - even lactose free. I was trying to add greek yogurt back because I'm worried about calcium deficiency, but maybe I'll start shopping for supplements...
  13. Hi, thank you for telling me! In your experience, is there anything else I should avoid? I always knew that dairy would worsen my breakouts but never knew it had the same effect on DH
  14. Update, just in case this can help someone in the future: I got a response from the manufacturer and there IS gluten is the generic version of Bupropion XL.
  15. I heard previously that iodine worsens the DH flare up but that there has to be gluten present to begin with, is that true? That's why I'm really trying to find out what the underlying cause is
  16. Hi Cristiana, Thank you so much for replying. I know it is DH - confirmed by a biopsy. I'll keep going through every food I have at home to check the labels again...
  17. Hi! I was diagnosed 5 years ago and all my symptoms went away when I stopped eating gluten. I am always careful, never eat out, etc. I've started getting more and more in the last month, and this week my DH came back very strongly. Does anyone have suggestions for where it could be coming from? I'm desperate to find a solution. I'm taking generic...
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