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  1. Yes! This is exactly what I think happened! He is the covering doc and when I reached out bc I could see in my portal that a pathology note was present I think he was just checking cancer vs not cancer for an “anxious” patient 😂
  2. Biopsy results are in.... but my usual doctor is OUT... ugh. Covering doc said biopsies were "benign" but there results dont appear to be "normal". If anyone has insight please share! "Reactive small bowel mucosa with increased lamina propria chronic inflammation and foveolar metaplasia." So... my gut reaction (pun intended) is to think I have...
  3. Update: Finally had my endoscopy today! Doctor said I have some level of gastritis. She noted a good deal of redness in my stomach. Nothing particularly angry but she took biopsies of that as well as quite a few in my duodenum. Given my symptoms and gastritis she is now “more Suspicious” that my symptoms are celiac related but she did not see any visible abn...
  4. YES! This! I work in healthcare and I do this myself! I put everything in the portal in writing! I get MUCH better responses that way! Portal messages go directly in the medical record and are a major litigation nightmare if not addressed and the patient later sues.
  5. Thanks all for the replies. Update: my allergist was willing to order a serum IgA level and rechecked my tTGs. My IgA is not deficient but “low normal” at 77. My tTG IgG was a strong positive (11) on recheck. They are writing a referral for GI for follow up.
  6. Thanks for the response! I wasn’t gluten free before the labs. I keep reading that the only way to know is to follow up with GI. I guess it just feels silly to go with such minimal indication the celiacs is actually present. However, I also know based on family dynamics, that I wouldn’t be supported fully gluten free without a diagnosis so that encourages me ...
  7. Hi! I asked my pcp to run serology for celiac a couple weeks ago. I have recurring stomach issues that are worse sometimes than others and frequent constipation. I have done a gluten free diet a few times in the past and always almost magically felt way better. Lately I’ve been having the usual constipation as well as terrible stomach cramping, bloating, ...
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