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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Wendy1994

  1. Does anybody know of any labs in the US that do TG6 antibody testing? Also, I don’t think the TG6 test is part of the typical celiac panel test, is that correct? I am scheduled to go see a new gastroenterologist and want to ask her about this test next week. Thanks!
  2. Thank you so much! Your explanation makes a lot of sense. I do have a follow up question, what testing is done for gluten sensitivity? Is there a specific name for the test (who knows, I may have had it since I have had so many tests). Thanks!
  3. I am hoping for some assistance in interpreting these results. Have had symptoms for years. I used to experience lots of bloating and abdominal pain, thought it was dairy. In the last year or more I have experienced pain in joints, feet pain, low vitamin D, teeth cracking, burning sensations throughout body, sleep issues, and diarrhea. Was negative for...
  4. Thank you so much for your reply! My physician states I am done with testing and has not ordered any other tests. Am I missing a test? I started gluten free today. Should I call and request further testing? What have others done?
  5. I have thought for years that I was lactose intolerant as I often had bloating and gastrointestinal issues after eating dairy. I never put two and two together that I was typically also eating gluten. This past year I have been experiencing tingling in my limbs and burning in my body that travels and is not consistently present, vitamin D deficiency, joint...
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