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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by CeCe22

  1. I love my scanner also. Thanks for your reply.
  2. Thank you. I kept looking it up but would get conflicting reports
  3. I am making potato soup and it has cream of celery soup in it. What can I sub for the celery soup?
  4. What brand of salted peanuts are gluten free. I researched it but got conflicting answers. Thanks. Wanting to use in a recipe.
  5. Enjoy your remission!!!! I have always heard and read that even if you are in remission to stay on a gluten free diet. I have had since August short spurts of time when I go without DH symptoms. The last lasted about three weeks. I stayed on gluten-free diet during that time. Went out to eat recently and had small breakout but DH symptoms not lasting as...
  6. After several months I am now doing so much better. Almost afraid to say it out loud!!!😂. I do think switching the food my dog was eating has definitely helped. I no longer have the rash all the time. I have also been eating at home or when we go somewhere I take my own dinner. It sure has been hard with the holiday events! But would rather do without th...
  7. I asked a couple of weeks ago as to whether my dog could be part of what was going on with me having so many DH flare ups. Well after two weeks with my dog,Sadie, being on gluten free food and treats I have been so much better. Still a few itchy bumps but nothing like I was having. Hopefully this has been some of my problem!
  8. I am not taking any supplements. I have cut back on iodine but maybe not enough.
  9. Can you get gluten from a dog? My nutritionist has been working with me with my gluten-free diet and she says I am doing great with my food selections but I keep a rash all the time except when sick. I have been gluten-free since July 2021. Rash is worse at some times than others. We eat at home most of the time. Eat out very little. I just started thinking...
  10. I just always wash my hands really good when that happens. That is what my nutritionist told me to do.
  11. We have been eating at home. Very seldom do we eat out and then I am very careful. However when I broke out again we had been eating at home for weeks and I was eating same thing I ate while I was clear? V.
  12. Unfortunately it came back after 10 days. It sure was a nice relief!!! I have had two other times in February 2022 and May 2022 that I was sick with bronchial infection and the rash cleared up during that time. However, both of those time the dr had given me a shot and predisone. With COVID they just told me to use Robitussin and Tylenol.
  13. I developed Covid over a week ago. Since that time my rash has completely disappeared. I wish it would not come back! 😃
  14. Anyone know if Kroger brand or Green Giant canned corn is ok to use?  I know both gluten free but wasn’t sure where they are processed. Thanks

  15. I quit eating oats several months ago. I had read on here that it could be oats.
  16. I have been on strict gluten-free diet for almost six months and I still have rash with very few days of relief. We have changed cooking pans and utensils. My husband is pretty much on gluten-free diet with me. Recently I started seeing a doctor at a celiac center. She did new blood work and all my numbers have come down since my blood work in May. That is...
  17. Yes been diagnosed with dermatitis Herpetiformis. When I eat gluten or get cross contaminated I break out with very itchy rash.
  18. Thank you. This will be so helpful. I have recently made an appointment with a dr at Celiac Clinic at Vanderbilt in Nashville. I am anxious to go and hope they can get me on a good path to deal with DH. As part of their team they have a nutritionist that I can’t wait to meet with and see what I am doing wrong/right on this journey.
  19. I found some old posts on here in regards to the medication Nortriptyline but was wondering if anyone knew for sure if the medication is gluten-free. It does have starch but said made from corn maze???? I have been on 10mg of Nortriptyline for 30+ years for headaches. I am afraid to come off of it for I sure don’t want the headaches to come back. They w...
  20. I have DH but do not have celiac. My blood work came back that I was celiac but I had a scope done and my biopsy was normal. I started the gluten free diet in July 2021 and I still break out but it is not as itchy as before. I have a few clear days from time to time and then I break out again. I am sticking to the diet very strictly (very rare eating out...
  21. Heading to beach with family soon. Does DH get worse when exposed to sun?
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