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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Rogol72

  1. Hey @itarachiu, Have you investigated any other Biofilm disruptor other than NAC?
  2. Thanks @itarachiu, much appreciated. Great news that you finally got to the root cause of your SIBO/SIFO and the protocol is working. Are you using any liver support while taking the herbal antimicrobials? I suspect that I have a mild case of SIBO or SIFO/Candida as I get bloated after meals, especially after starchy carbohydrates ... in addition to histamine...
  3. Hey @itarachiu, I'm interested to know what herbs you plan on taking to address SIBO / SIFO if you don't mind sharing that info.
  4. Hi @Blanco, I think you should contact this dietitian ... https://www.bda.uk.com/find-a-dietitian/cristian-costas-batlle-london-united-kingdom-12490.html Specialising in Coeliac Disease, he may be able to assist you in pushing for an official diagnosis without the need for a biopsy. He knows everything about the diagnosis process in the NHS...
  5. There's a great podcast on Spotify that I've found helpful. It covers a range of topics regarding adjusting to life with Coeliac Disease for both adults and children, with various guests including psychologists. There's a 4 part series on children with Coeliac Disease. Here's the first one ... https://open.spotify.com/episode/4xEJlfhC2Y4CEpJ2XSmVmF...
  6. Totally agree. A type 1 diabetic with good blood sugar control can generally eat whatever they want. We can't slip up or let our guards down ever.
  7. We Coeliacs can suffer from nutrient deficiencies relatively easily, years after healing our guts with strict adherence to the gluten free diet. Even more so if we eat more meat than seafood or restrict because of fear of food or past bad experiences. Maybe engaging with a functional medical practitioner as an adjunct to your regular doctor. Coeliac...
  8. I think there is a connection between Coeliac, Thyroid and Histamine Intolerance. From what I've come across, optimal levels of TSH are between 1.8 and 2.25 ... the reference range on my lab is 0.35 to 4.95.
  9. Folks, Just wondering if anyone knows what the optimal level of thyroid blood markers for a healthy Thyroid are? I know there's a link between Coeliac and Thyroid issues. I've noticed a downward trend in TSH and T4 over my last few blood tests .. 1.08 and 12 respectively. Thanks in advance for your responses.
  10. Fellow long term dermatitis herpetiformis'er here. If I take my eye off the ball regarding Vitamin D supplementation and let it slide, then my skin becomes more reactive ... itchy but not blistering ... even though I'm strictly gluten free. I can't handle any gluten-free grains or rice. Nuts, seeds and dried fruit are a no go for me also, and I don't consume...
  11. I had a coeliac panel last year to see if any sneaky gluten was getting into my system, the ttg result was 3.1. I had another done last week, and it came down to 1.7.
  12. I agree with trents. I believe you can have DH with negative bloods. I was on Azathioprine for UC at the time I was diagnosed with DH, and partially eating gluten free to treat the UC. I don't recall if a Coeliac panel was conducted. From what I understand the Coeliac antibodies in the blood are TTG2 while the skin antibodies are TTG3. Rather than going...
  13. If he suspects DH, then I don't see why you haven't been referred to a Dermatologist for a skin biopsy to confirm or rule out DH. It could be some other skin condition similar to DH. As shadycharacter said, you can have a negative blood test for Coeliac Disease and a positive skin biopsy for DH as they're two different antibodies.
  14. If it's suspected Dermatitis Herpetiformis and the itch is that bad, you should be referred to a Dermatologist for a skin biopsy ASAP to either confirm or rule out DH. I have DH and the itch can be terrible. A blood test won't confirm DH, only a skin biopsy will. A positive diagnosis for DH is a positive diagnosis for Coeliac Disease according to the dietitian...
  15. I think we can all identify with feeling isolated having an autoimmune disease, even more so with multiple autoimmune diseases. You're not alone. I would suggest looking up some podcasts on Spotify for inspiration and motivation. There's a bunch of them there from fellow Coeliacs. Some titles to look out for ... "Eat Gluten Free with Me" ... pretty...
  16. Great idea to get a compounding pharmacist on the case. Hope they can come up with something for you.
  17. I hear ya. I can't ever take NSAIDS because of UC. I took Panadol for a day or two for a bad cold that was going around a few months ago. I felt like I ate a few crumbs of bread, checked the ingredients before and after taking them and it only says maize starch. I react to any OTCs that contain maize starch such as antihistamines. https://www.coeliac...
  18. A bit of a rant coming here folks. People who do not have Coeliac Disease just do not get the seriousness of the condition or the importance of avoiding cross contamination. Maybe if their stomachs felt like they just ate a bag of glass and have to deal with all the unpleasant crap associated with getting glutened, the penny might drop! Had a family...
  19. Is there any danger of becoming over methylated? Should we cycle on an off Methyl B Vitamins from time to time? I've read that over methylation can cause symptoms such a irritability, anxiousness, crabby.
  20. Excess iodine from eggs has been reported to flare DH also. Here's a case report ... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352512622004350 @KyleL, Have you noticed any other side effects of taking Dapsone (beyond it's effect on RBCs)? I'm curious since there's so few people on it here.
  21. Are you eating oats and dairy? If so, cutting them out should help. I found that eating a mostly AIP diet is the only thing that works keeping my DH in check. Coeliacs with DH are a lot more sensitive to trace amounts of gluten. Dapsone is a broad spectrum antibiotic, so taking a probiotic to counter the antibiotic side effects should help. I use Dapsone...
  22. @Stulos, I agree with @knitty kitty, getting sufficient vitamins and minerals will help with histamine intolerance ... especially Vitamin D and Thiamine. I remember coming across this site when I was researching HI ... https://mastcell360.com/ . Read her Bio, it may be a good fit for you and your particular situation. Here's another good resource...
  23. That worked a treat, helped along with paracetamol. Almost back to normal. Thanks!
  24. Folks, I was out socializing at the weekend watching a game on TV. I must have picked up a bug because I feel like garbage, nasally, sore upper throat, aches and pains and chills, coughing. I know I have to ride it out but, does anyone have any suggestions on how to move this this along? I've got UC so I can't take NSAIDS, just paracetamol. Any...
  25. I don't think there is a Coeliac Society in Lithuania. Here's a list of Coeliac Societies in Europe ... https://www.aoecs.org/about-us/members/ I would suggest contacting AOECS for information ... https://www.aoecs.org/about-us/. Or contact the societies in adjacent countries who may be able to help ... Latvia, Poland, Estonia.
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