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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Rogol72

  1. FYI. Here's a case report of SIBO treatment using the functional/integrative approach with herbal antimicrobials and Low Fodmap diet. Though the patient in the report was not Coeliac but had IBS, it was treated successfully. https://www.spandidos-publications.com/10.3892/ijfn.2021.23#
  2. I believe Coelics are prone to developing histamine intolerance and MCAS. For me it comes down to making sure my body has all the Vitamins and Minerals it needs to heal and the cofactors needed to produce DAO. Dysbiosis plays a role in HI also. My HI has improved vastly since minimizing food and beverages high in histamine ... though this can be difficult...
  3. I agree with @Wheatwacked , when my Vitamin D levels drop, my celiac disease and DH is more reactive to CC and trace amounts of gluten. Low levels will alter mood and bones begin to ache. It's a critical nutrient for immune system modulation. Some people have genetic polymorphisms of Vitamin D and do not convert D3 to the active form very well. I take 40...
  4. I hear ya. I've had UC brought on by C. Diff post knee surgery, was on prescription pain meds for months for the unbearable pain. I'm glad it's worked out for you.
  5. @dixonpete, I'm intrigued that the hookworm therapy actually works for you, though not at all tempted to try it myself. Aside from the antibody tests, have you ever tested your vitamin and mineral status, say Vitamin D, Iron, B12 etc. while consuming gluten with a healthy active hookworm colony? Do you supplement with vitamins and minerals while hosting...
  6. I have found that my DH will flare more easily when my Vitamin D level drops. I need to keep it in the 150nmol/dl range. I found some great explanations by Dr. Eduardo Beltran on youtube regarding Vitamin D therapy and anti inflammatory diet in treating autoimmune disease. Some very interesting lectures with case studies. Not medical advice but worth educating...
  7. The emotional stress alone from dealing with such a situation will severely deplete vitamin and mineral status beyond gluten free or AIP diet. I sincerely hope your situation will get better as soon as possible.
  8. It's a shame the Dermatologist did not follow the correct procedure for DH biopsy. My DH initially appeared to be Eczema, but when steroid cream didn't clear it up, my Dermatologist immediately took a biopsy and DH was confirmed and subsequently celiac disease. Dapsone, which has its drawbacks will clear DH outbreaks up very quickly. With DH, you need to...
  9. I can confirm the white spots on the brain, little dots. Apparently also common in migraine sufferers. Had an MRI several years ago for what was thought to be a blood clot in the cerebellum, turned out to be a cyst. Had a repeat MRI a year later, no changes thankfully. The neurologist said the white spots were from my UC, but it is probably from UC and celiac...
  10. Thanks @knitty kitty, much appreciated! Here's an interesting testimonial on the efficacy of Thiamine in helping to treat SIBO for anyone who's interested ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oyHbpsMejg . The other aspect of SIBO which I've ignored is the role the MMC plays in clearing out the tiny leftover debris in the small intestine in between meals...
  11. @knitty kitty, I'm curious as to how long did it take for your SIBO to resolve on the AIP diet? Beyond addressing nutritional deficiencies, did you take any antimicrobials and/or probiotics during that time?
  12. Hey @IrishCoeliacDad, Fellow countryman here. I've heard anecdotally that some chefs add pancake mix to scrambled eggs and omelets to make them more fluffy. That's one to watch out for if indeed it does happen. https://www.findmeglutenfree.com/us/fl/orlando I'm sure someone else will chime in with better advice. Safe journey and enjoy...
  13. At one point my level was at 175nmol/L and my GP told me to back of the D3 supplements. Anything above 125 on this side of the pond is considered at increased risk of toxicity. Maybe I should be shooting for 125 all the time.
  14. Yes ... 101 nmol/L from my last bloods in November. I absorb/metabolise Vitamin D supplements efficiently, a few weeks of 4000iu per day and I'll be in the 140+ range, the sweet spot for me is about 1000iu daily. Dr. Amen's mantras are key. Dr. Robert Pastore, another advocate of restoring vitamins and minerals (and fellow Coeliac) also highlights the...
  15. Sure. This is why I focused on minerals ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2z9YXo-gnE . It made sense to me. It was a combination of diet and supplements. I wasn't consciously trying to fix my gum issues, they just recovered as a result of getting super focused on my health. First, I fixed my Vitamin D deficiency, my numbers are consistently...
  16. I've managed to reverse receding gums, not 100% but by a noticeable amount so it can be done. My teeth and gums have never felt stronger or better. I can't specifically put my finger on any one thing that worked, but I loaded up and macro, trace and ultratrace minerals. A sufficient mineral supply in the body allows the vitamins to work properly.
  17. I also have good oral hygeine but used to suffer from bleeding and swollen gums. I doubled down on a super clean (no gluten-free foods or grains) gluten free diet and eating lots of carrots, brocolli and other green vegetables ... Vitamin C rich veggies! I also focused on supplementing with minerals and B Complex. On occasion but not consistently I would...
  18. That's great news. Credit to your determination to resolve your issues. I used to have pain in the bottom right quadrant at the junction of the Ileocecal valve when my UC was flaring, doctors dismissed it any time I mentioned it. I've read that inflammation and dysfunction with this valve can also cause SIBO.
  19. Histamine is horrible, in the brain, sinuses, lungs etc. I've got it under control now, but I think I'll add ginger back into my diet.
  20. @itarachiu, My naturopath prescribed the following two products for balancing the gut bacteria and getting on top of SIBO and/or Candida. Something similar might help you. Oregano, Olive Leaf, Garlic and Caprylic Acid are all good natural antibiotics. https://www.nutriadvanced.ie/candex-sibo-45-capsules.html https://naturesplus.co.uk/products...
  21. I agree with trents, it is important to get control of ulcerative colitis as a priority. Nutritional deficiencies should be corrected as soon as possible, as it will help both conditions especially Vitamin D and Zinc. The body needs an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals to heal. With the malabsorption of celiac disease and blood loss of UC, that...
  22. Hey @MiriamW. I'm going to hold off on the Fulvic minerals for the time being but thanks for letting me know about Victoria Health. I'm using Virdian Trace Mineral Complex and their Organic Mineral Complex. Incidentally, I was looking into the ingredients in the Organic Mineral Complex (I emailed them about the iodine content) ... one of them is Horsetail...
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