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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Rogol72

  1. I'm a little confused because I've read in some sources that Niacin causes the release of histamine, so does it trigger the release of new histamine or just that it flushes (in the case of Niacin) out the existing histamine built up in the body?
  2. Hey Liam R, Yes, I had dyspepsia a few years ago and managed to fix all my issues by myself through research and with the help of a functional nutritionist who is also a qualified nurse. She prescribed me some herbal remedies which really worked. I was having some acid reflux issues, went for an endoscopy and the doctor diagnosed dyspepsia, with some...
  3. Yes! I've experimented a lot with different foods, supplements to see what does and does not work for me. I brought up the hiatus hernia discussion because A) Liam R reduced his from 6cm to 2cm which was a great result and B ) My gastroenterologist previously stated that they can go away sometimes ... not so sure about that, a discussion for another time...
  4. I'm curious, did they say how or why the hiatus hernia reduced from 6cm to 2cm? I 'm asking because I have a HH also.
  5. @Liam R, I'm not in Yorkshire but Ireland, 12 years on this journey. I've had terrible brain fog and recovered from it, all down to nutritional deficiencies, additional food sensitivities and histamine overload. Hats off to you for hitting the ground running post diagnosis! I would ditch the rice and potatoes as Wheatwhacked and Knitty Kitty said. It...
  6. Personally, I wouldn't trust it or take a chance. I don't know what the Certified gluten-free Symbol is in the US, but over here in Europe certified gluten free products have the cross grain symbol with the country of origin and a "licensed to used" certification code printed on the packaging. Some companies use the cross grain symbol without the license...
  7. Great info. Thank You. At a follow up appointment with my functional practitioner, she said to focus on get plenty of polyphenols because they feed the "keystone bacteria" in the gut ... Akkermansia Muciniphila and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii. After a few weeks of a kale and berry smoothie every morning, I can feel a big difference and histamine issues are...
  8. Thanks @Scott Adams. From what I gather, some adults with Type 2 go on to develop LADA ... Type 1.5 as they call it ... in fact they really had LADA in the first place but were diagnosed as Type 2 since the antibody test is not the standard Diabetes test for adults. Development of LADA seems the be a slow process.
  9. I guess that's why it forms on the hips, from the pressure of clothing ... elbows and forearms if you're working at a desk all day long. I've got the scars!
  10. I think you may be on to something with the Coconut. Coconut oil affects me, it's subtle but I can tell ... Coeliacs with DH seem to be more sensitive that the average Coeliac. Tilda make a gluten free steamed rice with desiccated coconut .. no good. I've also tried a gluten free coconut milk mixed in with home cooked basmati rice about a year ago, no...
  11. I react badly to soy and potato starch, both send me into a tailspin ... agitation for 5 or 6 hours and then I recover once it's passed through my system. I've got DH, so I get the telltale random pinpricks all over my skin when CC'd. I've removed all grains, nuts, seeds and anything in a packet basically. I stay away from anything that has starchy binders...
  12. Thanks @Posterboy and @knitty kitty, All great info. I'll certainly look into it. I came across a very interesting article about SIBO and the connection to Sulfur ... https://www.metagenicsinstitute.com/pulse_patrol/plp-eps-5-sibo-sulfur/ ... in it they discussed how we Northern Europeans may not deal with sulfur very well in the absence of...
  13. The Thiamine HCL has made a difference, I feel more alert. Benfotiamine is not readily available in Ireland, got to get it from the UK. Caffeine of any description does not agree with me, tea or coffee or chocolate etc ... I get really agitated from it ... even decaf is not safe, must be the tannins in tea. I test certain foods out every now and then. I had...
  14. I'm taking 100mg of Thiamine HCL three times per day. How much Benfothiamine and/or Allithiamine is recommended per day?
  15. Hey Folks, Does anyone know if there is any prevalence or a likelihood of developing LADA when you have Celiac Disease? I know having one autoimmune condition raises the risk of developing another. Just keeping an eye on the blood sugars at the moment ... the education never stops! There appears to be lots of info on Type 1 Diabetics developing...
  16. Thanks @Wheatwacked, it's the histamine issue that I'm working on addressing at the moment. That's what got me thinking about methylation and I suspect I have the MTHFR thingy going on. Everything else is fine. Bananas though seem to give me a histamine reaction. Yes, potassium intake could be better, and Vitamin E since I don't tolerate nuts.
  17. Switching topics. Does anyone happen to know what percentage of Coeliacs have the MTHFR gene mutation? I believe this can also have an effect on histamine intolerance if I'm not mistaken. I've never had the test done, but it wouldn't surprise me if I did have it, having 2 autoimmune conditions.
  18. Excellent information! I came across some very interesting ideas by Morley Robbins ... of https://therootcauseprotocol.com/ ... on Youtube, suggesting that maybe histamine intolerance is related to a Copper deficiency and/or Iron overload (not specific to Coeliacs). He's also discussed the importance of Magnesium.
  19. Folks, I wanted to ask some of the wise sages on the forum about Histamine Intolerance. Is there a link between Thiamine deficiency and Histamine Intolerance since it's hard to get the RDA of Thiamine it in the diet if you're not taking a B complex? Because I don't consume dairy, I was eating sardines (for the calcium content) sometimes daily and sometimes...
  20. Hi @Scott Adams, I'm curious if you ever had a chance to write the article you mentioned here about your custom food allergy diet? I was searching and couldn't seem to find anything. I'm in the process of reducing histamines in my diet and would be interested in the article. Coffee and Tea are the hardest things to give up ... everything else I...
  21. @Vinnys, We Coeliacs seem to develop additional intolerences over time! I'm 12 years with celiac disease and DH ... I requested a Coeliac panel in October last year to see how well I was adhering to the diet, my TTG levels were at 3.1. I rarely eat out at restaurants, I am strict gluten and dairy free ... though at the time of the blood test, I was only...
  22. Just throwing this out there to the forum. Does anyone have experience dealing with a small hiatal hernia whilst having Coeliac disease? I’m on AIP and sometimes experience acid reflux. Beyond the obvious dietary foods to avoid, what supplements are good for acid reflux … magnesium? Someone mentioned that iodine can help with muscle tone, could this apply to ...
  23. @Bryan100, I don’t have much else to offer beyond the advice of Trents, Knitty Kitty and Scott Adams, other than some supportive comments. I’ve had Ulcerative Colitis ... the little brother of Crohn’s for 20 years, dropped from 155lbs to 135lbs in the space of a few weeks. I was skin and bone and I recovered. I’ve had Celiac Disease and DH for ...
  24. @knitty kitty, Aw shucks, thanks! It’s been a grind yet I’m like a dog with a bone. Lots of research, I never give up and I’ve found a good Naturopath who is NCGS and siblings have celiac disease. I’ve learned a lot from this podcast. https://open.spotify.com/show/2dJKFWF5nv0Ri8ssa3aXXI I had a Vitamin D deficiency years ago, a result of 10 y...
  25. Thanks @knitty kitty, much appreciated! Yes, that’s a better idea. I live in Ireland so the brands you mentioned are not available here, there are very good alternatives though. What are your thoughts on Maltodextrin derived from certified non GMO corn? It’s in some and sprayed on other supplements. Is cod liver oil a bad idea for DH ...
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