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  1. Anyone with celiac (or responsible for someone with celiac) should always pack sufficient food for their own personal consumption so they don't need to mess with airport (or airplane) food. A smaller plane, flying into/out of smaller airports, or longer flights would all be reason to pack even more safe food to bring on the trip. (On a flight to Ecuador I...
  2. Very interesting indeed. And even if the FDA chose to test odds are very high that the cakes would pass, as the company seems to go as far as they can to mitigate cross-contamination. Nevertheless I don't like that the gluten-free label is not actually verified through FDA (or even internal) testing. I know many sensitive celiacs can instantly detect...
  3. There is an ice cream cake manufacturer called Abilyn's that labels their cakes "gluten free", here and front and center on the box label: https://www.abilyns.com/every-day-celebrations. However in the nutrition section they note that the equipment they use also processes wheat: https://www.abilyns.com/cookies-cream I emailed them asking about this...
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