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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by AlohaMaMa

  1. Thank you for your input. I really appreciate it. That said, it's Murphy's Law that the symptoms hide when we pull into the doctor's office...OMG. OKay so she had episodes the last few weeks and she's in a wheelchair going into the appointment (finally). When the Rheumatologist asks her to walk I think oh great she's walking pretty good fortunately no RA...
  2. Thanks! I will add Ataxia to my short list to review with the rheumatologist. No wheat allergy but can't even be touched by someone that has touched gluten at all. Our doctors don't seem interested in finding the deeper problem - I had to force her General Practitioner to give us a referral to the GI in the first place and get my own x-rays proving we need...
  3. The Fuzz, I agree. I just got her on B1 and complex in order to make sure some common neurology issues are being addressed while we wait to see the Rheumatologist. I am concerned that she may have arthritis or strep or MS or... We are a strict gluten-free household and especially my daughter - she wont eat food made in a facility that handles wheat at...
  4. Sunshine, We have seen a Rheumatologist briefly who stated that she had concerns...anyhow we are going back in on an actual referral this time with my list of possible illnesses (to rule out or tend to). With all of the neurology in mind I have already begun adjusting her vitamins to include B1, B12, etc. to aide or prevent in line with these related articles...
  5. The leg pain comes and goes but when it comes it could be for a few days in a row. With a doctor's appointment on the horizon I have a list of things to "investigate" including MS. Gluten exposure makes it worse however we noticed a big improvement after going lactose free. Only since she returned to exposure at school from home due to covid school closures...
  6. Thank you for your message. I guess the problem is that nothing is constant and even when she does have a "flareup" it's different each time to an extent. Her legs are in immense pain due likely to the swelling. She is unable to lift her legs without using her hands and arms to lift them (even to put her feet into the stirrups of the wheelchair). To touch...
  7. OH and the flareup took place right after the kid next to her in class was eating Takis! I told the office as I was rolling her out for the day yesterday and they will get on that teacher for now allowing it but also not preventing eating during class.
  8. So I previously mentioned my now 7th grader had to use a wheelchair all day at school last Wednesday. Update, I dropped by the school to drop off something yesterday and I was asked to find her upstairs within the school. I walk up the ramp and she is walking toward me on her quest to find the school nurse and instead falls into my arms in painful upset....
  9. This is very interesting and exciting!!! I am constantly tweaking her vitamins and she runs especially low in D3, but it's possible she is also quite low in others however some of the vitamin deficiencies were detected by her blood panel. I will start by reviewing past results and will share some of the information after I review it with her physicians related...
  10. We have tested for wheat and the bloodwork determined she's not allergic to wheat. It's not going to be as easy as that unfortunately. I have been scratching my head for a few years even going to back to the four possible issues we, her parents could have had resulting in her having celiac and I'm not 100% sure of that. Hashimoto's is out, me having celiac...
  11. Thank you for your response and I am stunned if my original message came off sounding like we casually are gluten-free. Again, we are a gluten free household including our dog (so we don't have any gluten to handle). We also dropped all lactose after six months of being on a Strict gluten-free diet. My daughter is very cautious about what she eats and will...
  12. Hello and thanks for stopping by! I have a 12 year old daughter that went un-diagnosed for 10 years showing symptoms in my womb that didn't seem right. She would kick, strong with both legs even from before birth (not the regular baby kicking!!!). Then after she was born she continued kicking like this from the high chair, the stroller, car-seat...
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