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  1. Thanks for your reply. Yes I’ll probably see how it goes for a few months with no gluten before I try to cut anything else. Luckily my son already ate pretty healthy and enjoys fruits, veggies, meats, etc. Its mostly a struggle to replace things he had for lunch at school like finding a gluten free bread he likes for sandwiches. In general I try to stay a...
  2. Hi Greenbeanie! Thank for your for sharing your story with me. That’s great to know she made Improvements after going gluten free and gives me some hope my son can improve as well
  3. Thanks for your relpy! My son has only been off gluten for 7 days. He seems to be doing worse which may be detox symptoms. I’m not so worried about the actual procedure as I am Re-introducing gluten and having his symptoms get worse than having to restart the healing process. Plus we have talked so much about how he will not be eating gluten anymore and w...
  4. Hi Trents. Thanks for the info. Yes the whole family is planning to go gluten free. My son has been off gluten for one week so far. No changes yet. In fact his symptoms are getting worse which may be detox from gluten? My daughter and I were tested for celiacs a few days ago and came back negative. Could these high numbers mean something else besides celiac...
  5. Hello All, my 4 year old recently tested positive on the celiac blood test. His numbers were off the charts.. below are his test results. Transglutaminase Iga: 405 emdomysial Iga: positive 1:8 Gliadian Igg: 89 Iga serum 142 from what I have read, with test results this high you can diagnose celiac without doing the biopsy...
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