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  1. Jessica - thanks for making me laugh. It took me a minute to figure out what 'pop' was. We call it soda here. I got a chuckle from you post!

    Yep different regions call it different things.........soda....sod-e.....pop..........I've always found that wierd :)

    Usually I just say "hey want a pepsi?" Which stands for any drink in a can that I have available! :lol:

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  2. I decided to try out the white bread mix. I added water, mixed until lumps were gone and poured the batter into the two cute little bread shaped molds. :P Microwaved until it was done.

    Then I decided that I would make french toast out of this bread. It turned out super!! Mixed an egg with some milk and cinnamon and fryed in a pan. YUM!! I'll save the leftovers to warm in the toaster oven for breakfast tomorrow morning.

    I have had fun making these little mixes today!!

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  3. I just got off the phone with a representative from Heinz. Very nice man by the way. I was calling to ask him about the Apple Cider Vinegar. He said that yes it contained gluten as well as the organic ketchup. I hadn't planned on asking about the ketchup, I had assumed it was gluten free by looking at the ingredients.

    Luckily he mentioned this because I have a bottle of it in my refrigerator and just had some last night! :blink: All I can say is gluten is ELUSIVE. I'm going to start calling on every product now no matter what the ingredients say. By the way, Heinz will send you a list of their certified gluten free products if you call.


    Just a little clarification...it is their apple cider FLAVORED vinegar that contains gluten :)

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  4. I got my food-tek food in the mail today. I was SOOO excited. I baked myself a chocolate cake and frosted it with yummy chocolate frosting. It was very good! I'm impressed.

    I got to looking at their website today and they are the folks who make the stuff that bakes in easy bake ovens for kids. So I wrote to the man that I had written to before and asked if he has considered making a gluten free mix for the easy bake ovens. I'm excited to see what he has to say back.

    Wouldn't that be totally awesome if your kiddoes with celiac could have an easy bake oven too!! I know that was one of my favorite toys when I was a kid!

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  5. Has anyone on here ever weaned themselves off caffiene? I have coffee and/or hot tea daily but now I found out it's undoing what I'm trying to do with Calcium/mag./vit D supplements I've recently been told to take due to Osteopenia. At first thought I didn't think I could give up caffiene (or cut back 90% at least) on top of this no gluten thing. Now that I'm not feeling deprived at all regarding gluten, I'm ready to take on the caffiene challenge. I found some imported veg. type drink mix that tastes like coffee and is recommended to wean on off coffee. Clearly on the label it states barley so I can't use it. I really want to start this Sat. so if I feel bad I won't be rude to a client.

    The only thing I've heard of is to take both reg. and decaf coffee and brew 1/2 and 1/2 (of each) and drink that for a week. Then you do 1/4 and 3/4 and so on until you are completely on decaf. Has anyone tried this and if so, how long did you take to get totally to the decaf? I'm totally addicted to the real stuff because if I'm sick and don't get any I can't think straight by noon from the withdrawal headache. So I know I've got to cut way back. Studies suggest only 1-2 cups of coffee a week is good for people with any bone density issues. Please help if you can.

    I don't drink to much caffinated stuff. I do go through phases where I drink more than other times. I haven't been to that headachey addicted stage for a few years now though. I would just go cold turkey when I wanted to quit drinking pop. I would pop a couple tylenol when the headache stopped and eventually they stop.

    Now, I buy a 12 pack and it lasts me for a couple of months! I might drink a pop when out somewhere, but otherwise I'm just not a caffiene person. I don't drink coffee even!

    Good luck getting weaned off of it :)

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  6. ok so i know im not dehydrated so im trying to figure this out, my lips have become very white, like chalky white. hrmmmm. i get them wet it goes away and then comes back. im drinking plently of fluids any guess's?

    Sunburn, windburn from being outside all day the other day licking your lips and drying them out. Use some lip balm and quit freaking out :lol:

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  7. We have been trying to figure out the past 2 weeks where my husband has been getting gluten since he has been so sick & guess what? HEINZ 57 sauce. I thought it was gluten free & didn't realize that they change ingredients or such at Heinz & it could go from gluten free to chocked full of gluten. Thanks for the info. Mystery solved I think.

    I've been gluten free for over 3 years now and it has never been on their gluten free list. Sorry your hubby has been sick.

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  8. It could even be something as simple as : pick a company to call for one week. Everybody calls that company and asks about the gluten free status of their products. They explain how nice it would be to have products labeled clearly with gluten containing ingredients clearly shown. End. Repeat the steps the next week with a different company.

    It brings awareness. It gives us info. It gives them something to think about if they get a TON of phone calls reguarding gluten/celiac.

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  9. Barley, weather it be organic or not.......is not safe for people with celiac disease. You must avoid wheat, rye, barley (& oats). Sorry.....hope you find a friend to pass the bars along to. Otherwise take them back to the store and explain that you can't have barley and realized these contain barley when you got home. I'm sure they will refund your money.

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  10. That's a new one-- but in my family, growing up in steamy North Carolina with no air conditioning, we always put a few grains of rice in the saltshaker to absorb the moisture & keep the salt from caking. Flour doesn't sound very practical to me as it would have the same issues of getting sticky & clogging the shaker... but I guess you never know.


    I've heard of the rice. I have also seen a saltine cracker in the shakers in some of the mom and pop cafe's. Always have to be on our toes ;)

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  11. I'm in a Publications Management program in graduate school, and am familiar with several sites that allow you to "self publish"/"print on demand" a book (ie - not going through a publisher, submitting proposals, etc.). All of the sites that I'm familiar with require that you pay per book, and depending on how many copies you want to print, that would affect the price. Most have a minimum order. You obviously have to pay for materials and the cost of printing. I guess I'm confused as to what your objection is?

    By the way, 2 sites that I'm familiar with that (according to my professor) have good reputations are booksjustbooks.com and gorhamprinting.com. I believe both have minimum print runs. If you wanted to print just a few copies of your cookbook, perhaps you could look in your phone book for local printers and tell them what you're looking for - spiral binding, how many pages, etc?

    - Lauren

    I'm not objecting to pay printing fees.......if you read my post it says so.

    I don't mind paying for the printing part.
    I realize that they have minimum numbers that must be ordered to justify printing. The lowest I have found so far was #5copies.

    What I do object to is having to pay a $30-40 fee to join a site just to type in your recipes. Then paying a printing fee ontop of the site fee. To me, that is stupid.

    I'll have to check out the sites you listed. Thanks for the help!

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  12. man i dont get it, i have been eating way better, i got way better for like 3 days but today i feel like crap again, and now my eyes are messing up, and i looked in the mirror and there are vains leading strait to my retana that are very red vains also the eye itself is almost a faint yellow color, instead of white

    Blood shot eyes are a symptom of substance abuse. I believe you have mentioned on several occasions that you are a drug user. This is highly likely to be your cause.

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  13. I have to agree with this. Just last weekend, a relative told me that I could eat a little "gluten treat" now and then and be fine. She has a friend with Celiac, and evidently this is where she gets her information. I, of course, explained why this was not correct, and that her friend was still causing herself internal damage even if she dosen't feel any different. Don't know if it did any good, but at least she listened and really seemed to understand what I was saying.

    I LOVE that one...........I have a cousin, her daughters play with 2 little girls who have celiac. At all the birthday parties they just pull the toppings off of the pizza and eat that. My cousin tells me about it frequently and I always tell her that they are causing damage and getting cross contamination blah blah (we know the routine). I tell her that I would never even think of doing that. I would be sick for a couple of weeks. She always says "well they must not have it as severe as you do then"! :lol:

    I think next time I'll go into the analogy of being pregnant. You are either preg or not preg. You are either celiac or not celiac. There isn't a middle ground of "they are just a little bit celiac" ha

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  14. While searching for my favorite peanut butter cookie recipe today, I came to realize that I have entirely TOO many printed out sheets of paper with recipes on them!! I want to organize them.

    My ideal situation would be to print up a cookbook with all of my favorite recipes in it. The sites that I looked at today were all "pay" sites and you had to order so many books to even get it printed. Does anyone know of sites that let you make the book for free? I don't mind paying for the printing part.

    Any other suggestions? I also thought about a 3-ring binder type situation.

    Does anybody have a good software suggestion to make your own book?

    Thanks for the help!!

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  15. Be sure that you are keeping a phone log of any calls that you are making to the hospital. Include who you are calling, time, date, the gist of what you said/they said or if you had to leave a message. Also record if they returned your messages and such.

    This will help if you have to take this any further and aren't getting any response from anyone. You then at least have some proof of what has been taking place.

    You also might record the dates of when your daughter was fed offensive foods and dates of when she told them she couldn't eat the offensive food.

    The more information you have the better.

    Good luck, and I hope the best for your family. It is just OUTRAGEOUS that a facility is not treating her dietary needs as important! They expect her to gain weight, but feed her foods that make her sick...DUH!!

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  16. I know the owner of the company. Next time I see him, I'll tell him about your post. Right now he is trying to come up with a banana flavored milk.

    Very cool. I had been talking to Matt. He's a great guy and worked super hard to get info for me. I e-mailed him about the post on MY website (USASillyYaks) . He was thankful for the PR.

    I'm not sure if you subscribe to their Mooseletter, but I had sent him some info on celiac and he wrote up a little blurb for the July letter about intollerances and allergies and such.

    Banana milk would be sooooooooo yummy!! Tell him to keep working hard on that one.

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  17. I recently saw a brand of chocolate milk at Wild Oats in my area. I e-mailed the company and asked them about their gluten free status. They were unsure but kept in constant contact with me while they researched their products. They also have orange, rootbeer, and strawberry flavored milk!!

    They were also very curious about Celiac disease. I told them that if their product was gluten free (after researching) they should really think about labeling their products as such. I explained how it is very helpful for us and how they could really increase their customer base if they did so. They thought this sounded like an interesting idea.

    The dairy is called Shatto Milk Company. They are located in Missouri. They mostly sell in that area, however if you are interested in their products ask your store to try to order!!

    I believe that if we support folks who are willing to work FOR people with Celiac then we all end up ahead in the long run!!

    Soooo support Shatto Dairy....they are very nice folks!!

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

    PS. Here is the link to the July newsletter where they talk about their gluten free product statement. Open Original Shared Link

    PPS: Here is the link to their website. Open Original Shared Link

  18. *Best Bread = **Don't eat it**

    *Best Bagels = **Don't eat it**

    *Best Pasta = Tinkyinada

    *Best Pizza = Homemade with Chebe or Amy's Rice Crust with tons of additional toppings and extra cheese

    *Best Rolls = **Don't eat it**

    *Best Crackers = Blue Diamond Almond Nut Thins

    *Best Cereal = Dora the Explorer

    *Best Waffles = Van's

    *Best Donuts = Kinnikinnick Maple Glazed

    *Best Muffins = Analise Roberts Blueberry Muffin Recipe with strusel topping (have to make it yourself, but wonderful recipe!!

    *Best Cupcakes = Analise Roberts Wedding Cake recipe made into cuppey cakes (again have to cook it yourself, but I LOVE to cook )

    *Best Cake = Analise Roberts Wedding cake recipe, coconut cake recipe too!! (another cook it yourself)

    *Best Cookies = Homemade peanutbutter chocolate chip

    *Best Chocolate = Hersheys

    *Best Candy = Reeses Pieces

    *Best Gum = Wrigleys

    *Best Ice Cream = Blue Bunny Chocolate Chip

    *Best Sprinkles = **Don't eat it**

    *Best Sorbet = **Don't eat it**

    *Best Chips = Tostitos Tortilla Chips

    *Best Pretzels = Ener-G

    *Best Drink = Orange Juice or Powerade (blue kind)

    *Best Soup = Homemade....I don't really buy soup

    *Best Frozen Meals = Amy's

    *Best Nutrition Bars =Kraft South Beach Diet Meal Replacement (peanut butter is good, also cinnamon)

  19. I had mashed sweet potatoes tonight.

    Peel and slice the sweet potatoes (2-3 med size) put into bowl of water cook in the microwave (I did for 10 min). Drain and mash....add 1tsp vanilla 2Tablespoons butter/marg. and 1/4 cup brown sugar.......Mix all together and serve warm.

    It was sooooooooooo good. I haven't been hungry at all lately and this actually tasted good.

    -Jessica :rolleyes:

  20. I'm glad someone likes Bob's Red Mill gluten-free mix. I think it's pretty nasty - the bean flavor is way too strong.

    I can really taste that flavor in the raw dough, but once cooked I don't taste the bean flavor at all. I like it!! It is good for a time saver like Glutenfreegirlie said. Goes in recipes cup for cup.

    For cakes I have been using Analaise Roberts flour mix. I really like the way that baked goods turn out with that mix.

    -Jessica :lol:

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