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I think it would also help us out if topics/questions that were the same were merged together. I know when I was a moderator I would always put topics together that asked the same questions. That way we didn't have 400 threads asking about one product and things like that. It really saves wading through all the extra threads for the same info. Just a thought.
I like sweet baby rays the best!!
Bone suckin sauce is also good for things like pork chips on the grill.
I love Amy's Rice Crust pizza. It is a cheese pizza, I just make my own toppings to put on it. I fry some hamburger (fry extra and put it in the freezer for the next time). I add onions and green peppers to the frying burger then add some mushrooms at the end to warm them up. I dump that on the Amy's pizza, top with more cheese and bake according to their directions. MMMMMMMM LOVE IT!!
My new favorite simple thing is to use white corn tortillas and put pizza sauce on them, then toppings (nothing too heavy or they will break). Top with cheese and bake at about 375 for 15 min. Mini pizzas in a hurry!! SOOO good!!
Are the Ore-Ida toaster hash browns gluten free? They are not on the list sent out from ore-ida........you might want to check on those. The 9count golden patties are gluten-free, Southern Style Hashbrowns (32oz), Potatoes O'brien (28oz), Country Style Hash Browns (6lb)&(30oz), Hash Browns 5lb,
Wheat flours stay in the air for such a long time. It would be very hard to cook gluteny foods without some sort of contamination in your house.
Just the whirr of the mixer can send flour into the air.
Also just being around them, they can be breathed in. Your nostrils lead to your throat and down your throat goes the flour that was in the air.
There are too many risks for me to cook with flour and such in my house!! I would rather find an alternative that is gluten free than risk being sick.
That's so awesome to know!!! I'm going to have a snapple TODAY!! woo hoo
when I called snapple a couple years ago (because I was loosing chunks hair and snapple was the only thing I hadn't checked) I was told that it contained gluten with the exception of some of their diet ones !!! You might want to take a few min. and call the company yourself to varify which info is correct. I would really hate to have someone getting sick.
Some people seem to be missing Jessica's point. It is not about cheating or not cheating, it is about RESPECT. Some of these newbies are coming to our board and intentionally or unintentionally disrespecting and mocking our way of life/problems.
I could care less if they cheat. I don't have to live in their body. To each his own. But don't come trolling around our board laughing about serious matters. If you're SINCERE with a question, fine. But the attitude of some of the new posters is very condescending, like this is all a great joke and we poor pathetic people who actually follow this awful diet and have all of these "psychosomatic" symptoms. That ticks me off.
There are plenty of posters here who cheat and come for support b/c they need help. That's FINE. but people who treat it like a game/joke and cheat need to go ELSEWHERE.
We're making it worse by taking the bait. I would suggest people who don't want these kinds of posters here stop responding to ANY posts that aren't serious in nature. Leave the disrespectful ones alone and they will stop posting them.
Thank you for "getting it".
I have been told that our local Wendy's is only giving them away free with a purchase of food GRRRRR Even the website says no purchase is needed!!! GEESH!
I would say a hot dishwasher would do the trick for plastic toys. Watch out for crevices where the old playdough could hide!!
Lea and Perrins Worchestershire sauce
San J for soy sauce
Classico sghetti sauce
I can't think what brand of syrup I use off the top of my head and I hate tuna
Attacking people with a "follow the diet or die and don't question anything" attitude is neither helpful nor supportive.
I'm not attacking anyone. I'm just stating my feelings twards some of the recent topics here on the board and how they make me feel. And by the way it sort of is ironic that you said follow the diet or die, well that sort of how it works. Slow death with cancer and such, just ironic you picked those words.
I was just wanting to see if anyone else felt the same was as I, and it seems that they do I have gotten several PM's reguarding the subject and many feel that it's crazy that people are purposely cheating and such.
Thanks for listening.
I think we need to be a little more understanding and patience the changes that people need to make
I'm actually very understanding. However, I'm not understanding with people who continue to cheat and damage their bodies. Usually comming back to say how sick they were and wondering why they feel so bad? DUH!!
I am also not understanding when people come here to this board and criticise the diet and the people who follow it. There is a thread going on currently where a man said he about fell off his chair laughing at the kissing and gluten thread. He goes on to be rude to several folks on the board. There have been several other instances of this, not just from this person. How is that helping others??
Believe me, I remember how hard it was in the beginning. You have your doubts, you want it to all go away and have a slice of pizza!!
Fact is, you have a diagnosis, no matter how hard that is, cheating and having that doughnut or whatever isn't helping. It also isn't helping to come here and knock down people who are trying to get better and trying to make it on this diet. The board is for support, support of people who FOLLOW the diet. If they aren't following it, or if they don't believe in it, then why in the world are they here?
If you are talking about my recipe, it comes out great. Although I never had poori before being gluten-free so I have no comparisons to the regular stuff. Also, rice has it's own stick together consistency so you really don't need the extra gum.
Here is a poori recipe that I use all the time. I love the make the garlic poori and eat with sghetti!! mmmmmm
(fried bread from India)
Plain, Sugar/Cinnamon Covered, or Garlic Flavored
1 cup flour mix (or white rice flour)
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons oil
7-8-10 Tablespoons milk (or water)
2 teaspoons Garlic powder
or sugar and cinnamon combined in bowl (Dessert Poori)
Pour flour in bowl. Add salt and mix it in. Dribble oil over the top and rub it into the flour with your fingers. Slowly--1 Tablespoon at a time--add milk, or water, to form a medium-soft ball. Knead for 10 min, or until smooth. Should have consistancy of "new Play-dough"--no dry cracks, but not soggy/slimey. Form big ball, cover with oil, let rest.
Divide dough into 12 balls. Take one, roll it out into about a 2-3" round (cut a Zip-loc baggie into 2 plastic squares and roll the dough in between--easy to lift dough off of--or hand flatten in 2 hands). If they are rolled thin enough, the Poori will "puff-up" similar to pita bread.
Use a deep, frying pan, or wok, over medium High heat. When oil is Very hot, lay poori carefully on surface of oil without letting it fold up. It should sizzle immediately (if not heat oil more). Spoon hot oil over poori or dunk it under with spoon--with quick strokes. It should puff up in seconds. Turn poori over and cook for a few seconds. Remove with slotted spoon and place on paper towels. Serve immediately. Whether they "puff-up" or not, they still taste great!
For dessert, cover plain poori with sugar/cinnamon mix while still hot!! recipe from celiac.com
Possibly you are having troubles with dairy.
Ok, so I need to vent. I'm sick and tired of comming to the board and seeing titles such as cheaters and so what if I ate gluten blah!!
What is up with all this lately?? It is making me not want to even visit the board anymore.
If you don't want to be healthy and stay on the diet then what in the world are you doing on these boards to begin with? If you don't want to stay healthy, then FINE!!!
It is just rediculous, you were diagnosed, you have celiac, you NEED TO FOLLOW THE DIET!! geesh.
The research is out there folks, if you don't follow the diet then you can get cancer, lupus, diabetes, infertility, etc etc etc You do not HAVE to have symptoms to get those ugly things. Many people have NO symptoms at all!!
Can we please get back to the topics here on the board. This board is for people who FOLLOW the gluten-free diet. Not people who want to cheat or who think the diet is bogus, they aren't getting anything out of the board. It is depressing having to come here everyday and defend why we SHOULD follow the diet. Look at the facts, if you are diagnosed and have celiac and are not following the diet you are only hurting yourself !!!
*sigh* Ok, i'm done venting now, thanks for listening
Yoplait is one of those great companies that will list gluten containing ingredients clearly on the label. I LOVE their whips!! mmmmmmmmm
Reeses are fine. They are made by Hershey which lists gluten ingredients clearly on the labels. If you don't see wheat, rye, barley or oats then it is safe. Enjoy
When I was diagnosed I was referred to a nutritionist/dietician and she was NO help. She sat there and talked about portion sizes with her plastic food and had no information on celiac!!! Worthless in my opinion.
Actually he needs to eat the equivilent of two-three servings of bread for about 3-6 months!!! 2 Weeks isn't going to cause enough damage to be seen on the scope he is having.
So basically the scope will be a waste of time and his diagnosis (if only based on the scope) will come back negative.
I really wish doctors would do some more research.
IBS is just a generic diagnosis when they have no clue what is going on. If they have run several tests or tried several things without a diagnosis of something else you are usually lumped into the IBS category.
One doctor at the NIH Conference on celiac said that IBS stands for "I Be Stumped" soooooooooo true!!!
Orville Reddenbacher popcorn cake (caramel flavor is what I use)
Hershey Chocolate Bar
Kraft Mini Marshmallows (jet puffed brand)
Peanut Butter (jiff or skippy)
Spread the peanutbutter on the popcorn cake, top with hershey chocolate bar broken into chunks, top with several mini marshmallows. Microwave for a few seconds until the marshmallows puff.
I LOVE these!!
If you ask for the chicken to not be cut it will be fine. Have them place the chicken breast on your salad whole and you will be fine, you can cut it yourself. The knife that is used to cut the chicken is the problem. It is used for both the crispy and grilled chicken which would make the salad contaminated if you do not ask for it to be put on the salad whole.
in Gluten-Free Foods, Products, Shopping & Medications
m&m's are fine with the exception of the crispy ones in the blue bag. Enjoy!