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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by missy'smom

  1. Interesting! I'll have to keep an eye on symtoms when I try to reintroduce it, but I am wondering how much gluten would be left by the time it ends up as oil or lecitin. Seeds, you'd think they'd wash and that'd remove a lot. Hmmm. Most of my symptoms with foods have been allergy symtoms and different from glutening but I don't remember clearly enough about...
  2. You are not alone. I recently dropped sunflower after suspected reactions to a salad dressing with the oil in it and Earthbalance spread which has the lecitin. I felt much better! I'm pretty confident thst it was the sunflower because I have SO many allergies and eat VERY simple foods, with no ingrediemts lists or very short ones. In time, I will try to reintroduce...
  3. I have found that I have MANY food allergies/intolerances that have nothing directly to do with gluten, except that a damaged GI tract may be causing my gut to be "leaky". The vast majority of my food allergies cause GI symptoms. I recommend that you get allergy tested. Find an allergist who recommends elimination of foods even if you don't have anaphylaxis...
  4. If you have IR, then rice could definitely be very problematic for blood sugar. Are you on any meds for the IR? Even with meds, blood sugar could still be too high. If you haven't been evaluated for diabetes you should be. There is a connection with PCOS and diabetes. Any one time blood sugar number, like a fasting blood sugar is not sufficient to give a...
  5. Fatigue after eating rice or rice based breads, crackers etc. can be a sign of impaired glucose tolerance aka blood sugar problems. Rice is very easily and quickly converted to glucose and brings blood sugar up quickly. Elevated blood sugar can cause fatigue.
  6. For me: this minus the potatoes http://www.befreeforme.com/ViewRecipe.aspx?RecipeID=582 and some pine nuts sprinkled on top before serving and maybe some kalamata olives on the side, red wine to drink for kiddo: homemade easy chicken and rice soup-homemade broth from the freezer(from the Thanksgiving turkey carcass), Trader Joes basmati and wild rice...
  7. Me:shrimp, zucchini, yellow squash, onion, okra sautee with oregano, garlic powder, salt and parsley for the seasoning Kiddo:homemade meatballs using this recipe(made a batch last weekend and froze in individual portions) http://mennonitegirlscancook.blogspot.com/2009/10/meatballs-in-spaghetti-sauce.html and Trader Joes brown rice penne, I usually push...
  8. True IMHO. Some people get hives with the allergies we have, but my son and I seem hard wired for nasal symptoms and GI symptoms for me and eczema for him. Multiple triggers for each kind of symptom for us.
  9. Allergy testing might be helpful. Choose an allergist who is more knowledgeable about food allergies, some standard allergists can be dismissive. I found that with the 20 some food allergies that I tested positive to, a large percentage of them caused me GI problems when I tried re-introducing them after eliminating them for a period of time.
  10. I made creamed chicken and biscuits with the Bisquick mix today too, for my family. I baked the biscuits in the oven and served the creamed chicken on top. Put 2 frozen chicken breasts in the crockpot, added frozen veggies, a few frozen pearl onions and cream of chicken soup base, and a little chicken seasoning and let it work it's magic. There are nice packaged...
  11. last night: Me: bunless burger patty w/goats' milk cheese steamed green beans sauerkraut sauteed red onion Kiddo:bunless burger patty w/cow's milk cheese green beans cukes Ore-Ida hashbrown patty tonight: Me: bunless burger patty w/ goat's milk cheese same roasted veg. as kiddo minus the potato sauteed...
  12. Good luck to you with the meat! I had to train myself to eat meat after my diabetes DX but my body thanks me for it Tonight I had bunless beef burger patties with saurkraut, sauteed red onions and steamed broccoli and carrots. Was a lazy dinner night.
  13. I eat grain-free. Canned pumpkin suprizingly doesn't spike the blood sugar and is low-carb. I warm it up in the microwave for breakfast. You can add you fat of choice, olive oil, coconut oil, butter or substitute and "milk" of choice-coconut milk, almond milk or cow's milk and spice like cinnamon. Sprinkle some flax meal, crushed nuts or seeds on top. I used...
  14. extra lean sliced ham(rectangular ziplock packaging), canned chicken, canned albacore tuna, frozen turkey burgers are all gluten-free
  15. There is some old info. out there that vinegar is not gluten-free, maybe they are going by that. There are also some mayos from oversees that contain malt vinegar.
  16. I've always had a strong aversion to eggs and not sure what is going on. I call it an intolerance for now. Had one test done for both egg whites and yolks(separately) but it wasn't helpful. I seem to be able to handle an egg or two in baked goods occasionally but not straight up. The concentration/ratio seems to be important-there is a clear threshold of...
  17. What you described is very concerning. Have you ruled out hypoglycemia? I had extreme fatigue with celiac disease that got better over 2 years gluten-free. However I also have been a fainter and low energy my whole life and with recent confirmation of blood sugar issues, I now suspect that my fainting problems have been due to low blood sugar. Knock on...
  18. I have the same problems at the pharmacy(happens to be Walgreens) that I go to. I tried to educate them a little. They've gotten to the point that they'll let me use their phone to call the manufacturer(if they have the number or it's on or in the package/container) so that I don't have to go home and come back again!
  19. You just have to be careful. I worked with a woman who had this done and was told to avoid wheat, but told that she could have a little bit of something once a week. It was around the time celiac disease was mentioned to me by a doctor and I was asking her about her symptoms. I really believe she has celiac disease but she was given inadequate info and...
  20. All the Republic of Tea teas are gluten-free. Some of the Tazo teas are gluten-free(available at Starbucks and some other places). They have a version of cammomile called Calm that has a few other ingredients.
  21. One could always do what my former co-worker did(non-celiac), buy a good chocolate bar and dip it right into the container of P.B.!
  22. You are not alone. I am not a nice person to be around when I'm on gluten. Not so much now but in the early stages of healing and years before gluten-free I would get very angry, depressed and impatient. I'm by nature a VERY calm, patient person. Off gluten, I can't even "go there" if I try.
  23. Please be aware that miso can contain barley. In addition, the starter culture or Koji is sometimes grown on barley. It's really safer to call the company. I have some miso at home that is made by Shirakiku, a commonly sold brand, and I can't have it because it has sake lees in it. This is the by product of sake making and can contain barley. Triumph...
  24. I used a glass bottle that had been filled with Perrier I think. It was just what I had on hand. I washed and refilled the same one everyday.
  25. Last year(before I was gluten free) I drank alot of bottled water at work, I got to the point where I couldn't drink it anymore without getting mild stomach discomfort. I started taking glass bottles full of my Brita filtered water from home and that worked well for my stomach. But glass is so much heavier than the plastic bottles! Some people thought...
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