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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Posts posted by Louise1991

  1. Thanks both for your responses. I appreciate it!! 

    I agree that it’s something I am going to have to speak to my doctor in relation to. Im generally a panicky person (not sure why) and as mentioned in my initial message it’s the anxiety getting to me! 

    I was told it could be a lab error- just not sure how often these occur!!! 

    plumbago- You’ve not alarmed me don’t worry, I think maybe it’s just best if I try to stop panicking about everything until next week!

    Thanks both again though! 

  2. Hi everyone! 

    So I’m a 30 year old female from the UK currently being investigated as possibly having coeliac disease or some kind of intolerance to gluten! 

    About 4 weeks ago I had a blood test to check for the antibodies associated with coeliac disease, however the test came back negative- unfortunately I was given incorrect advice by my doctor who informed me I needed to eat gluten 2 weeks prior to the blood test. I had stopped eating gluten on the advice of a doctor I’d spoken to previously who suggested it would be good to see how I felt gluten free (much better- in fact most symptoms had gone within a week and a half of no gluten)

    However, the results came back with high ferritin levels- Ive literally no idea what this really means, I know it’s to do with iron and quite frankly, after using doctor google, I’m not sure I want to know too much about this!! I know this would be considered unusual though in the case of a coeliac disease. The doctor I saw to get these results was not the best at explaining what could cause this however after asking me loads of questions she did say that she couldn’t believe the results had come back negatively. I have had a full examination twice and both times everything felt normal to the doctors. I have been told that it could be all to do with some inflammation due to eating gluten.

    I have a repeat blood test booked for next week (after eating gluten now for around 8 weeks) and I’m really hoping for a positive result to explain all the symptoms I’ve experienced.

    This message just looks like a big long moan at the moment but I guess what I’m asking is if anyone has been in a similar situation as this with these high ferritin levels? Im really panicking about what could be wrong with me, and it’s now causing me quite a bit of anxiety (thanks google)!! I guess I’ll know for sure next week but the anxiety is getting worse the closer next week comes! 

    Thanks in advance for reading my long moan! Any advice or stories would be greatly appreciated!!  

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