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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by EmilyJ93

  1. @Jhermes maybe a dumb question - but as long as protein powder/drinks are labeled ‘gluten free’ why wouldn’t they be safe for celiac? Asking because I use Orgain products that are labeled gluten free per the recommendation of my dietician. Thanks!
  2. I wondered the same. It’s possible I was glutened at a restaurant recently. I don’t really have celiac symptoms, so it’s hard to know if/when I’m glutened. I asked my doctor if it’s possible for my TTG IGA to go up that high from consuming a gluten bun if I was recently served one on accident at a restaurant or something. She seemed to think that a number ...
  3. @CeliacMom57 I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter’s continuous symptoms - I can’t imagine how frustrating that is Thinking of you both! Does the doctor seem concerned by the elevated TTG since her villi have healed?
  4. @shadycharactergood question! Yes - I just doubled checked and they were all units/ML. Most of my blood work has been done through LabCorp, although the >200 TTG IGA blood draw was done at a Quest Diagnostics lab. LabCorp considers >10 a positive result, while Quest considers >15 a positive, but that’s the only difference between the two as far a...
  5. Hello, When I was diagnosed via endoscopy in late December 2021 my TTG IGA was >100. I started my gluten-free diet in January 2022 and in August 2022 my TTG IGA was down to 32, which my GI doc was very please with. I just had it checked again and the result was >250!! My GI is very confused as I am very strict about my compliance, have a completely...
  6. Hi everyone, I started my gluten free diet a month ago after receiving an official celiac diagnosis. I haven’t really felt any different since going gluten-free, although I didn’t seem to have digestive symptoms like stomach aches when I WAS consuming gluten. Anyways, last night I had a terrible stomach ache and can’t figure out why. Everything that ...
  7. That’s super interesting - thank you for sharing! I’ve always thought mine was just from tweaking some muscles occasionally from sleeping weird. Interested to see if it changes once I start gluten-free!
  8. Yes. Just wondering if others have joint/muscle pain. Could be unrelated but just curious.
  9. This is super random - but does anyone get pain right between their clavicles in the front of the chest? It hurts when I take a deep breath sometimes and also is worse when I bend over. It feels like musculoskeletal pain. It only lasts for a few days and then goes away for a while until it comes back. I also have noticed pain in my neck kind of leading down...
  10. My mouth has also been itchy. Particularly in the back.
  11. I recently saw one 😊 They did a laryngoscopy and said things looked pretty good, but that I had signs of laryngopharyngeal reflux. My PCP that did the blood work for celiac said since I’ve been eating gluten that may be causing the reflux issues.
  12. Thanks! My TTg IGA was 100, TTg IGG was 29, Deamidated Gliadin IGA was 60, and Deamidated Gliadin IGG was 68 - all strong positives according to my doctor. I have an endoscopy scheduled as well. That is so interesting! I’m glad you’re doing better now! Thanks for sharing!
  13. Hi! I was just diagnosed with Celiac after having a variety of symptoms, mostly throat/mouth issues. Since I was just diagnosed I haven’t yet started a gluten free diet. Has anyone else with Celiac had pain/redness of the soft palate and back of the mouth (palatoglossal arch) as a result of eating gluten? I also have a lot of mucus draining down t...
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