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  1. I tried to post the scope image above, but it looks like it didn't Post. I am going to try it again. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOXFSJW-oyQHKX6F2YrBQsfwMpUXWDYfnLQH5qlhbvE1UT2f2BgiPttjO_L4gAAEw?key=cl9uVDVtV2d5cFdfdVNMdnRsSEpzNXRicDZmb05n
  2. Thanks Scott for the reply. My older daughter's scope actually came back negative even though they noted "duodenal bulb atrophic mucosa" on one of her images which you can see here. The doctor even talked for a while to me about the noted image, but then the results came back negative. Of course the nurse is the one who called with the results. Can one...
  3. This is a two part questions. 1) My daughter tested positive for celiac (numbers below) but her scope came back negative. They did visually see some ridges and noted "duodenal bulb atrophic mucosa" on one of her images. Can you see issues during the scope and it not be related to celiac? I couldn't see a way to attach a photo or I would. She was...
  4. She wasn't gluten free, but she also does not like most foods that contain gluten so she doesn't eat as much of it. Her numbers, according to the test, are elevated. Obliviously, they aren't super high. The GI doctor did tell us before doing the test that if the scope came back negative, it could mean that she is just early in her celiac diagnosis. 🤷🏼‍...
  5. She is 12. Her scope actually showed some abnormal ridges, but the biopsies show no celiac. They did find inflammation in her stomach. I requested for my doctor to run the full panel since her blood work came back positive and I was certain she had celiac based on some of her symptoms (constipation, stomach pain, lactose intolerance).
  6. My daughter had her blood drawn a few months ago and these were her numbers. We did her scope last week and got the results back today and she is negative for celiac. Tissue Transglutaminase IGA 5 > or = 4 Antibody Detected Gliadin (Deamindated) AB (IGG)-29 > or = 20 Antibody Detected I had my blood work done this week and below...
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