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  1. I know that some people can have allergic reactions if they kiss someone after they ate nuts, but I wonder if this applies with gluten and Celiac Disease? I am gluten free have been for years, have any of you had issues with this? Or does this only apply to food allergies? I do have tree nut allergies but I am not sure if they correlate.
  2. I am a big Loren's Cookies fan, what I do is I place a bit of foil on top of the cookies then take it off about halfway through. It helps it cook on the inside without it burning, I do the same thing with cake. I am not sure if that is the issue you are having if they are coming out half raw? Or do you mean they don't taste right?
  3. Okay, so personally I avoid any food that says that, some people who aren't that sensitive may be able to eat small bits of gluten and not feel the effects. Not me, even just a tiny bit makes me cramp up and double over in pain. I try to check the label and make sure it has the Celiac Foundation certification or else I don't trust it usually. I do the same...
  4. Yes, I have the same issue when I first got diagnosed my stomach was so irritated I just didn't feel like eating, I lived off of rice lost a lot of weight. I was diagnosed about 8 years ago now and I still have days where I just don't feel like eating, I actually went a while without doing so, but nowadays I force myself to eat even if its just a little to...
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