There is definitely life after a Celiac diagnosis for you! I eat more carbs now than I ever had because I don't feel bad after eating them. Gluten free pasta is fabulous, I like the chickpea alternative but use several others as well. My husband now drinks only gluten-free beer and he is a truly connoisseur. He loves Ghostfish which can be ordered through...
It took me a while to figure out the toaster thing too, I just overlooked it. I was super lucky with my doctor and also continued to have a lot of symptoms. He eventually directed me to a FODMAP elimination diet, which ultimately highlighted other foods that were causing issues for me. The combination of completely eliminating gluten and eating a low FODMAP...
Thanks so much for your advice. We're in the midst of buying new house - you've answered my question regarding whether to invest in a top line dishwasher! Thanks again!
I was recently diagnoised with Celiac and am in the process of de-glutenizing my kitchen. I'm looking for cleansing tips to make sure that all surfaces are free (and remain free) of gluten. What have you found that works best on granite counter tops etc. Is the general belief that washing glass, ceramic, and silverware in the dishwaser successfully removes...
After just recieving a formal diagnosis for Celiac ... after MANY attempts to resolve digestive issues, it's a bit overwhelming to figure out how to get every bit of gluten out of my kitchen. Products (flour and the like) or gone but I am looking around and realizing how many porous surfaces I own and now , need to replace. I would love to get input on...