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VioletBlue last won the day on April 29 2010

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  1. Oh my, I never stopped to think others started having it so young too. It started in my teens for me too. I never knew why or even what it was at first. It is almost completely gone if I am 100% gluten free. I rarely get episodes anymore unless I get accidentally glutened. Wow, coincidence or not I wonder.
  2. Well, I don't react to corn, corn oil or salt at any other time, anywhere else in any other product. What option does that leave?
  3. I had to stop eating Fritos and Cheetos as well. I reacted, particularly to the Fritos. That truly sucks because Fritos have such a simple ingredient list: corn, corn oil, salt. But it happens every single time with plain old Fritos. Fritos has this disclaimer on their website: "The above products do not contain gluten; however, they are produced...
  4. Like someone suggested, I would say give it more time gluten free to see if it gets better. I know that's a hard thing to hear. I know how frustrating non-stop itching can be, I went through that for quite some time. I tend to react to things I'm allergic to by itching. It took a while to weed out all the things that were causing it as there were multiple...
  5. I'm pretty sure my grandfather had it and he lived to be 96. He also suffered with severe arthritis from his forties on, was overweight and had memory and coordination problems. He ate fried eggs bacon and white toast every day of his life for breakfast too. I think Celiac is just part of the picture and not neccesarily the determining factor in how long...
  6. I've read some research that suggests that Gluten Ataxia presents brain lessions similar to those found in MS patients. Lessions are found in the cerebullum which is the area that controls coordination. I also found out through researching my DNA results that the gluten intolorant gene I have a double copy of is found in most people diagnosed with MS. ...
  7. It could be you've answered your own question. If your breathing improves when you take the Xanax and if anxiety is an ongoing problem for you, the anxiety could be the issue. It helps to understand what happens when you breath. You breath in oxygen. The oxygen saturates the little air sacs in your lungs and the oxygen is difused through membranes in...
  8. Oh hey, thanks. Never had a name for it before, LOL. I used to have blotches of it on a regular basis. Now it's just a once and a while thing. It shows up mostly on my hands for some reason, particularly my fingers. I've just always lived with it as far as I can remember. But then it's never been real bad for me, just a couple spots at any time. So...
  9. Was the pan you baked in free from CC? Do you just use that pan for chicken? Have you had it since before you went gluten free? Metal pans and non stick coated pans can harbor enough gluten to cause CC. I've used this sauce in the past and never had a gluten reaction. I did however subsequently become intolerant of nightshades, and tomato of course...
  10. I've had ear problems most of my life. Once I went gluten free the stuffiness and pressure in my ears started to clear up. It only returns now if I get accidentally glutened. I don't know that Meniere's Disease is associated with Celiacs, but I do know that some of the symptoms of Celiacs can mimic Meniere's. Meniere's was a tentative diagnosis for me...
  11. But one has to wonder what is the downside of playing with the body's natural processes like that? What's the trade off in suppressing any part of the system from working the way it's designed to? I'm sorry but I just don't see the point in playing western medicine's trade off game anymore. I don't want to take a drug and ten years down the road find...
  12. How to you manage? I ate a handful of cherries this morning and I'm so sick now with nausea and diarehha. It's in so many fruits. What do you avoid? Do some things bother you more than others? It used to be it took more than a handful. Now it doesn't take much at all to make me sick. violet
  13. Yes, unfortunately there is a connection between Celiac and allergies. They think it has to do with leaky gut syndrome. I've had a problem with eating certain fruits for a long time. I had no idea why. Apparently I've had allergies for a long time, but the gluten just kind of masked the worst of it. Now without gluten in my body all the allergies are...
  14. I made a lovely tomato sauce using a gluten free enchilada sauce as a base last night. I was so sick after. I'm still not feeling well. Everything else was gluten-free, and this wasn't a gluten reaction. Gluten has a much more sublte effect on me. The only thing that stood out on the ingredient list was Malic Acid. I looked it up and it naturally occures...
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