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larry mac

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by larry mac

  1. Very impressive article. Great info, and well written! Two comments I have: Gluten-free pizza , in my experience, and IMO, always sucks, unless it's cooked in an industrial oven such as Domino's. So that's a tough one, and Carnival is in the same boat as the rest of us there (oops). Sandwiches, that's an easy fix. Simply utilize individual packets...
  2. As much as I dislike everything about Aldi's, I'm lovin the frozen Ravioli. For gluten-free, it's pretty tasty IMO. best regards, larry mac
  3. http://omissionbeer.com/2014/01/06/omission-beer-awarded-the-celiac-sprue-association-recognition-seal// I'd try some if we had it here. Perhaps we do, but I haven't seen it. If it's "well below 20 ppm", it should be OK for Celiacs. Of course there's always going to be those few that can't tolerate even infinitesimal amounts of gluten. But I don't believe...
  4. Nobody's mentioned how it tastes! Can't stand Redbridge, and can't get Daura here. Will try it soon as I can though. best regards, lm
  5. Monday - Friday it's a quick bowl of Chex with 2% milk. And coffee of course (with Truvia). Weekends might be either buttered toasted Udi's bread, or toasted Udi's bagel, with jam or agave syrup. And perhaps eggs & bacon. Or breakfast tacos with scrambled eggs, bacon, cheese, and homemade salsa. best regards, lm
  6. Yes you may be right about that. I want to admit that I don't know as much about gluten intolerances and allergies as maybe I should. I don't ever want to imply that they are not as important, health wise, as Celiac Disease. I just think, and it's only one opinion, that being positively diagnosed with Celiac Disease ( my villi were totally destroyed,...
  7. Definately get the endoscopy with biopsies now if you have insurance and/or can afford it. Now is the time to get it. It will be too late after you go on the gluten-free diet. It will give you the definative medical diagnosis you will need to prove you have Celiac disease, and prove you need to go on a strict gluten-free diet for the rest of your life. ...
  8. I think we drifted a little from the Reeses topic. And I certainly didn't intend to offend anyone. But, they might get that impression from people having reactions to labeled gluten free products that are made in a completely gluten-free facility, for instance. The manufacturers may be asking themselves, what do we have to do to satisfy all these people...
  9. Dear Shauna, What a terrific post! I wish I had your elegance and graciousness. I thought you explained your particular situation, or category, very well. Yeah, I can see where if you tried just the "reading labels" thing, and it doesn't work for you, you have to take more extreme care. I guess I feel like I don't want newbe's to automatically think...
  10. Yes it's very unfortunate that some people are extremely sensitive to very small amounts of gluten. I feel for you as it must make life even more difficult. For practical purposes however, we need some way to identify products that contain gluten ingredients, and those that don't. An additional (but separate) category are products that do not contain...
  11. Good afternoon fellow Celiacs (and non-Celiac gluten free-ers). Hope everyones having a nice day. We're having a small ice storm here in Big D. Now down to business. I'm looking at a Reeses PB Cup ingredient label. I eat them fairly often. Not only are there no gluten ingredients listed, there's not anything that might remotely be of questionable nature...
  12. Diagnosed at 55, after 2 years sick and three doctors. Am convinced the "trigger" was this chain of events: 1) Got bad cold. 2) Went to Doctor, got antibiotics. 3) Cold got better, but got major bad GI problems. 4) Went back to Doctor, diagnosed with C-Diff., got powerfull antibiotics to fight C-Diff. 5) C-Diff cured, but GI symptoms, albiet...
  13. Somewhat off topic. I've been having a $1 hot fudge sundae with whipped cream and chopped peanuts about 2-3 times a week all summer long. Pretty good, and cheap. best regards, lm
  14. I can only speak about my Mcdonalds (inside our Walmart). These versions are smaller and have a more limited menu. You can clearly see the entire kitchen and what everyone is doing. Peter is correct. The fries station is right at the front. It is operated by the counter personel, not the "cooks". The counter people take your order, cook the fries, make...
  15. ....."But it happens every single time with plain old Fritos."...... When someone reacts every single time to a food product that contains no gluten ingredients, that tells me it is not a result of cross contamination. Cross contamination is not a constant. If it exists in a production run, it is to a varying degree during that run. There will be more...
  16. That's the same problem I keep running into with many "ready to go" food items at Central Market (big Whole Foods). The ingredient listed as: hydrolyzed (corn, soy, wheat) gluten, or hydrolyzed (corn, soy, wheat) protein I wonder if they really contain all three, or if it's a CYA statement because they don't really know? Really sucks. best regards...
  17. Happy birthday and may God bless you today!

  18. I've thought for quite some time now that scrambled or fried eggs don't aggree with my stomach. It's fairly minor, and I'm not totally convinced. Still, I'm suspect of them. I get a slight tummy ache, and maybe just a touch of D. Only eat them maybe once every 3 weeks or so. best regards, lm
  19. I rotate between the rice, corn, and honey nut every morning now for months. Have also had the strawberry, chocolate, and cinnamon. Haven't had any problems with any of 'em. best regards, lm
  20. Which allergy medicines are not gluten-free? best regards, lm
  21. Most artificial flavorings are made from oil distillates, and other chemicals. Thus, artificial. Wheat, barley and rye are not artificial. They are natural. So wouldn't it be more likely to get glutened from natural rather than artificial flavorings? From Wikapedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flavor "The compounds used to produce artificial...
  22. I really wish that people would mention that they're replying to a topic that's a year and a half old. I just read through the whole thread before I ran into my own old reply and noticed. There's a huge difference between restaurants and manufacturing facilities. No comparison at all. They wash those lines down with steam hoses. I know, I worked at...
  23. I had the regular spiced rum (and Coke). I'm not that familar with Captain Morgan, in fact that was the first time I ever had any, but as far as I know all of their products are spiced. There's the traditional spiced rum, silver spiced rum, tattoo spiced rum, private stock spiced rum, and the parrot bay line which are tropical flavors with spices. I've never...
  24. I drank some recently without any obvious glutening repercussions. Full disclosure. I also regularly drink sour mash style Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey's such as Makers Mark, Ezra Brooks, W.L. Wellers, and Jack Daniels. And on occasion various liqueurs such as Italian Lemoncello (am sipping some Limonce at the moment), Italian Tuaca, Mexican Almendrado...
  25. wg, That's a pretty good question. Since you're the one that thought of it, why don't you eat some and let us know what happens? I always de-vein my shrimp. Also, I've long thought that the farm raised shrimp are basically tasteless compared to "real" shrimp. best regards, lm
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