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larry mac

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by larry mac

  1. I ate some this past Christmas with no ill effects. Pretty good stuff. best regards, lm
  2. That sounds like fun all right. I love Meyer lemons, they are expensive though. Also, our Central Market sometimes has Valley Limes (I'm assuming Texas valley that borders Mexico). They look like lemons on the outside but crazy good limes on the inside. I'm sipping some Caravella limonsello Originale d 'Italia at the moment. OK, so I went and poured...
  3. Love the Limoncello! Don't know what kind I had, it's just a cool bottle now without a label. My stepdaughter brought it from Italy and gave it to me. There are maybe 4 or 5 brands available here in Dallas. I don't think I personally would worry too much about them containing gluten. I've drank quite a few varieties of distilled alcohol products before...
  4. Not only does one need to be vigilant re: refried beans, watch out for chili beans also. Bush's Best brand chili beans, for instance, contain wheat flour. Side story if your interested. We had a poker party at my parents house last night. My Dad had told me earlier on the phone, that he saved a can for me to read in case I couldn't eat the refried beans...
  5. You've got a good point. It does seem to be a fad, and for good reason. People react to new products, and I loved all the "crispy" versions that were starting to come out about 1
  6. Don't know about Burger King, haven't eaten there since going gluten-free. I remember their taco's as being different from other fast food taco's. The meat was more like home made taco meat, ie. like ground beef seasoned with taco seasoning, as opposed to mystery meat. Not that I don't love mystery meat. I eat Jack in the Box taco's quite often, with...
  7. Sorry, I don't quite get what one would take Benadryl for, in relation to Celiac. Benadryl is usually for cold like symptons, or nasal type allergies. Celiac symptoms are more commonly gastrointestinal in nature. best regards, lm
  8. um, The number and variety of intolerances, allergies, and health issues represented on the forum is just mind-boggling. Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid, so I guess that's out for you. We haven't taken aspirin for at least a decade anyway. Ibuprofen and Acetaminifin have replaced it (at least for us). I used to occasionally take a BC powder (also...
  9. tb, I'm hesitant to offer medical advise now that he's already taken something and is in pain. If we were talking about me it would be different. I think I would want to eat something to help get rid of the Pepto Bismol and orange. Milk ?, gluten-free bread ? I would probably take some rolaids (but I don't have any to read the ingredients to check for...
  10. tb, Pepto-Bismol always made my stomach hurt, even when I was a little kid. I would recommend Tums or something similar. May sound like a dumb question, but why did he eat an orange if he's never been able to eat oranges? best regards, lm
  11. sol, I think about 200 million people disagree with you (and that's just in the US). The Salty Snack Industry is one of the largest there is. Why? Salty snacks taste good. And there's calories, fat, sodium, and protein. That's nutrition (maybe not the best but it does have nutritional value, otherwise all the values on the label would be zeros). Hate to...
  12. Larry - love your avatar of the Schnauzer puppy. I have one at my house right now that looks just like that (born Dec 1)!

  13. Oh, I hope that didn't seem rude. Believe me, I've been directed to the snopes.com site a number of times. You were'nt the only one referring to that anyway. lm
  14. Angel, I wouldn't have any idea why you are getting sick, but would like to comment on the bottled water. If I'm not mistaken (and I could be), most bottled water is supposedly filtered thru activated carbon, much like the home water filters. This removes the chlorine compounds that must by law be at a minimum level when the water reaches your house. This...
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