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Marilyn Frye

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Article Comments posted by Marilyn Frye

  1. That’s all too much fat and cholesterol for myself, but good advice for younger folk. I always loved the place but once you get sick for 12 hours it’s hard to trust them for a return visit. I had the word of the manager that I would be fine with a fish and salad. Nope, she was mistaken. Too big of a chance for cross contamination for me to go back.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Guest Marie G. said:

    I eat at Cracker Barrel quite frequently.  I have severe problems, but the restaurant I go to has a printed menu for all kinds of eating disorders.  I always ask for any unmarinated meats and if they need to be cooked, please cook on foil away from other peoples spices, etc.  I eat the baked potato and steamed broccoli or slaw.  I  have had no trouble, but I think it wise to speak to the manager on duty to make sure they understand your situation.

    I did look at the book that had pages and pages of information about the menu items! I even asked for the manager to double check that the kitchen would follow necessary protocol! She assured me I would be fine. I barely got home before the pains began and I spent twelve hours in and out of my bathroom. I don’t blame the chain, some of their restaurants are safe, I’m sure, but the one down the road let me down. It had to have been cross contamination on the grill. There was nothing in that meal that would have caused such a painful reaction if I had cooked it in my own kitchen. I really blame the manager for this event not the chain. She should have followed up to insure the cooks knew how important it was, especially since I told her before the order went in. 
    I was there off hours, not in a dinner rush crowd. 

  3. I agree it is not safe there. I even called the manager over to see if I could be safe with anything they offer. She told me I would be fine with a fish offering. I trusted her! Nope! Twelve hours of pain and misery. I wrote to home office and explained that they need to warn their managers to “Just say NO, we have nothing here that is safe for you.” They sent along a gift card! I’ll buy a blouse with it! Stay clear of Cracker Barrel. Too bad, I loved bringing the grandkids there before my diagnosis! 

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