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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Posts posted by Sahamies

  1. I don’t think you should put yourself through torture to see if you are gluten intolerant.   If gluten makes you sick, then you are gluten intolerant.  You don’t need to have a gene for it.  It can happen to anyone at any time.  If other grains like rice make you sick too, then you can give them up too.  You don’t need any grains at all.  Also, if the test comes back negative, are you going to eat gluten again?  Of course not because gluten makes you sick.  The test is just a waste of time and money.  Also you might make yourself severely sick.

  2. I think for most people baked goods will make them fat.  It is just sugar and starch.  Men don’t get fat as easily.  When I was thirteen, I had to give up toast with marmalade for breakfast because I was putting on weight.  I would not eat any bread all summer and lose weight and keep it off.  When I went back to school, I would have a sandwich for lunch and put weight back on.  Just a little bit would make a difference.  They do have vitamins, but nothing that you can’t live without.  My friend got fat working as a cook, so you can get fat from other things too.

    Our cows could not deliver their babies because they would get so fat from all the grains.  My father could only give them hay.  Of course they would eat grass all year too.  Sheep and goats can die from eating corn.  It gets stuck in their intestines.


  3. No I know I have pernicious anemia.  Lots of people treat it with taking pills and eating liver or herring.  You can take high doses and some of it gets absorbed.  When pernicious anemia was first discovered a few centuries ago, people had to eat half a pound of liver.  I think food works better than vitamins, whether it is oral or injections.  Doctors don’t want to treat it.

  4. 10 hours ago, LiJ said:

    I can agree on that! Because I was also found out that I can’t have any buckwheat, rye, barley, eggs, and even diary when I took the IgE test.

    I plan to open a bakery but after diagnosed with gluten intolerance, it might be good to open a gluten free and vegan bakery too. The problem is, I think it is an advantage for me to have a proper knowledge of baking before getting into gluten free baking. So that’s how I stayed in this school for almost a year. 

    However, I think that symptoms will eventually become severe if I plan to work in bakery for years. So, I’m kinda confused right now whether I should stop before entering the 2nd year of the study and go to Uni. 


  5. 22 minutes ago, trents said:

    Most who are gluten intolerant have no issues with these "fake grains." They are widely considered safe alternatives to wheat, barley and rye. Of course, there will always be some people who don't tolerate one or more of them.

    A lot of them will have issues with them sooner or later.  I bet you aren’t even gluten intolerant so you have no experience with this.

  6. 8 minutes ago, trents said:

    A person with pernicious anemia can swallow B12 pill all day long and it won't impact their anemia because they aren't assimilating the B12 since they lack intrinsic factor. You should read this to get a proper understanding of pernicious anemia: https://pernicious-anaemia-society.org/pernicious-anaemia/

    As I said, the parietal cells are killed off by antibodies. It is an autoimmune problem, not the lack of eating meat. Please quit spreading misinformation.


    8 minutes ago, trents said:

    A person with pernicious anemia can swallow B12 pill all day long and it won't impact their anemia because they aren't assimilating the B12 since they lack intrinsic factor. You should read this to get a proper understanding of pernicious anemia: https://pernicious-anaemia-society.org/pernicious-anaemia/

    As I said, the parietal cells are killed off by antibodies. It is an autoimmune problem, not the lack of eating meat. Please quit spreading misinformation.

    You are the one spreading misinformation.  If you eat enough B12 like liver, some will get absorbed.  

  7. I looked it up on the internet.  I know I didn’t eat enough meat so I have experienced this.  It causes people to lose their intrinsic factor.  You don’t know all the reasons people get pernicious anemia.  I have never had injections.  I only treated this by eating liver.  I don’t have to prove anything to you.  If you don’t believe what I say, that is okay.  I don’t believe you either.

  8. No not eating animal protein can cause pernicious anemia.  Pernicious anemia can cause blindness, nerve damage, tingling in hands and feet.  Vegans and vegetarians are very much in danger of getting it because taking pills don’t work that well.

    It doesn’t always cause gluten intolerance.  I think I had a bit of a predisposition to having it.  I could never eat very much flour like in cake.   My grandfather was a master baker.  My mother really liked to bake and she was good at it.  Everyone loved her baking. Too bad I would sometimes get sick from pancakes or noodles in soup.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Sahamies said:

    I got pernicious anemia because I didn’t eat enough animal protein for a few months.  I treated this by eating liver four times a week.  A year later, I got gluten intolerance.  It started with rye bread, then got worse with all bread.  I could eat pasta made of corn.  This all went well for many years. When I was pregnant, I couldn’t eat meat, so I ate herring, the only fish I like.  After the baby was born, I could eat meat again.

    I hated eating liver so much, so I decided to have high doses of cobalamin B12 instead.  I still ate liver twice a week.  I slowly developed an intolerance for other grains such as rice and corn.  I didn’t notice it at the time.  I became very sick from rice and corn.  Then I couldn’t eat vegetables either.  Soon I couldn’t eat anything but meat.  I started to eat liver all the time.  It got better.  I still can’t eat grains.  I tried eating a taco last week and I became sick from it.

    Also Dr Osborne says you are gluten intolerant if you can’t eat gluten.  If you eat gluten, then get sick from it, then you have celiac disease.

  10. 18 minutes ago, knitty kitty said:


    Would you tell us more about your gluten intolerance and pernicious anemia?  

    I got pernicious anemia because I didn’t eat enough animal protein for a few months.  I treated this by eating liver four times a week.  A year later, I got gluten intolerance.  It started with rye bread, then got worse with all bread.  I could eat pasta made of corn.  This all went well for many years. When I was pregnant, I couldn’t eat meat, so I ate herring, the only fish I like.  After the baby was born, I could eat meat again.

    I hated eating liver so much, so I decided to have high doses of cobalamin B12 instead.  I still ate liver twice a week.  I slowly developed an intolerance for other grains such as rice and corn.  I didn’t notice it at the time.  I became very sick from rice and corn.  Then I couldn’t eat vegetables either.  Soon I couldn’t eat anything but meat.  I started to eat liver all the time.  It got better.  I still can’t eat grains.  I tried eating a taco last week and I became sick from it.

  11. No I don’t have sibo or ibs.  Since I don’t eat grains of any kind, I am fine.  I think my gluten intolerance was caused by pernicious anemia.  I have treated that by eating liver every day for the rest of my life.  Still I will never be able to eat grains.   I treated all this on my own.  Doctors were no help.

  12. Yes rice has gluten called Orzenin.  Rice is a grain.  I am very much allergic to rice.  For a long time, I was only allergic to the traditional gluten grains such as wheat,rye, oats, and barley.  In the last few years, I was also became allergic to corn and rice.  At first it was difficult, but as long as you feel well.  If you don’t believe me, look up Dr. Osborne on YouTube.  He is an expert on gluten.

    Also, I can eat ice cream, but not yoghurt which is low in fat.  I said fat in dairy is not the problem.  I don’t eat gluten or grains of any kind.  I don’t take medication either.

  13. Yes rice has gluten, so you have to give it up.  It is not as strong as wheat, but still problematic.  People who are gluten intolerant and eat gluten can’t have dairy.  The villi in the small intestine flatten, so they are lactose intolerant.  Some people, who are lactose intolerant can have dairy with more fat in it like ice cream.  Some can tolerate lactose free milk.

  14. On 9/8/2021 at 12:58 PM, Maureen Haley said:

    I developed DH in middle age and follow a strict gluten-free diet.  Lately, I've been breaking out in dermatitis herpetiformis rash from gluten free foods that I've been eating for the last few years. By process of elimination, I've discovered the culprit is rice and rice flour. I hadn't had any problems with this previously, as a matter of fact rice has been my go to substitute for pasta for several years

    Has anyone else experienced this?  I also recently become somewhat lactose intolerant, so it seems I'm developed more food sensitivities as I get older


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