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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by DebJ14

  1. I am glad that your son is doing better! You really do need to be a detective to figure out all the possibilities. I immediately felt better after going gluten-free, but started to notice problems with other foods. My doctor said it is common because our bodies spent so much time going after the gluten that once that is out of the picture the body starts...
  2. Sadly, your doctor is not up on the latest information. Gluten is known to cause joint pain and constipation is common. We get joint pain because the gluten destroys the tight junctions in our intestines and causes leaky gut. The undigested gluten proteins (and others) migrate throughout our body. If they go to the brain you can have psychological issues...
  3. You are assuming gluten is the sole cause of the issues. I am living proof that there can be many factors. After being Gluten Free for 11 months and feeling much better, I quickly found myself back at square one with the same issues (consipation, joint pain, rash, fatigue etc.). My doctor immediately sent me to have tests done for both food allergies ...
  4. I was originally diagnosed in 2007. I did well at first, but by the end of that year I seemed to react to everything, but at least my migraines and rashes were gone, and I lost 50 pounds so I considered it a victory. I had extensive allergy and food sensitivity testing and 23 items made the list of my culprits. I cut them out for 2 full years to give...
  5. When I first went gluten-free I turned to Redbridge Beer and commercially prepared gluten-free breads. Horrible reactions. It was not the sorghum, nor any other gluten-free grain. Further testing showed that I am highly allergic to both Brewers and Bakers yeast.
  6. Your intolerance to lactose may actually be an intolerance or allergy to the protein casein that is found in dairy products. My doctor told me that the protein casein is very similar to the gluten proteins. Try cutting out ALL dairy and see if it helps. I also have to agree that it takes a while to master the gluten-free diet. My doctor went one...
  7. I had these ulcers in my mouth all the time from early childhood until I was diagnosed at the age of 54. My dentist was shocked when I went for a check up and did not have any in my mouth. I explained about the gluten connection. Sadly, this University of Texas trained dentist had no knowledge of this. I took him several medical journal articles to review...
  8. After I was diagnosed I had a gluten reaction after eating eating gluten free bread. I knew it was gluten-free because I made it myself. It turns out that I am highly allergic to yeast, both brewers and bakers. So, nothing that contains yeast for me. As for other comments about a thiamine deficiency - after I was diagnosed I underwent the Spectracell...
  9. I always had low B-12 on blood work and was diagnosed with B-12 anemia on multiple occasions. After heavy supplementation after diagnosis the levels improved, but not to where the doctor thought they should be. Genetic testing showed a genetic mutation that leads to low B-12.
  10. Same here. I vomit within 30 minutes of ingesting any gluten and also have the chills and sweat profusely. My daughter in law gets a migraine within 30 minutes.
  11. You could also have other food allergies or sensitivities. After being really vigilant for a year one Thanksgiving I felt like I did before going gluten-free. The doctor had me come in the next day for blood work. It turned out that my first gluten free Thanksgiving extravaganza was just poison for my system. The gluten free stuffing contained yeast - off...
  12. I see that you were newly diagnosed. Have you been tested for nutrient deficiencies? I had chronic constipation for years resulting in assaults to my rear. Once the nutrient deficiencies were identified and I was put on large doses of magnesium and antioxidants, including Vitamin C, the constipation went away. Many of my Vitamin and mineral deficiencies...
  13. I have been glutened 3 times in the past 5 years, all on cruise ships. In each case I was assured it was my gluten-free meal, even after questioning the waiters. In all 3 cases I barely made it back to the cabin before projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea started. The last episode, in early November 2019, had me in the bathroom for 4 hours. After...
  14. You will probably get nowhere with the gastro regarding the other tests for food allergies and sensitivies and the epigenetic testing. You will need to find a good functional medicine practitioner for that. Many of my symptoms from the food intolerances were the same as before I went gluten-free. I call it my tilt, but I could not walk a straight line...
  15. So glad you found out. It only took me 54 years to get a diagnosis and the reason I initially saw the doctor was for an orthopedic problem. After a thorough physical he said that was the least of my problems and he was 99% sure I had a gluten problem. He sent me straight to the lab. The results were off the charts positive, but due to other health issues...
  16. Mine lasted months. I got relief when my doctor suggested a 5 day water fast. At the end of the time, all my aches and pains were gone. He said it was because it might not just be gluten causing the inflammation. So, giving your body a rest from all inflammatory food helps it to heal. I have made intermittent fasting part of my daily routine and usually...
  17. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. Sounds like my story about 11 month after going gluten-free/CF back in 2007. I was feeling great until Thanksgiving rolled around. As I prepped the gluten-free Thanksgiving dinner the day before the holiday, I was of course tasting everything to make sure the seasoning was OK. As the day wore on I felt worse and...
  18. Happy birthday and may God bless you today!

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