Yes he ran tests that's how I found out. I didn't know such a thing about b6 toxcity. I do not take vitamins but I do eat alot of foods high in b6 but have been cutting back. He doesn't think I'm absorbing my food right I have a lot of gi problems the doctors are working on it. I hope next week for another check up on b6 levels I'm hoping for good news....
Hello I have celiac, now raynauds, b6 toxity, and copper Deficiency, malnutrition disorder anyone else get these problems after being diagnosed with celiac disease? I have other issues as well graves, hashimotos, syncope, bradycardia/tachycardia, fibromyaligia, neuropathy, chronic pain syndrome, etc. My main concern is b6 toxcity I can't get my levels down...