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Pamela Adams

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Pamela Adams

  1. Catheter, thank you so much for gathering all the material that is available. In a nut shell, emergency room, incredible upper right quadrant pain AND poop that was Snow White- no bile. Took 6 weeks for doc’s to finally make a decision to take out my gall bladder, however, after the surgery continued pain, vomiting, no appetite, diarrhea, nausea. Doc’s j...
  2. After gall bladder removal, I continued having digestive and pain issues. Six years and 9 ( NINE) doctors, I finally have a diagnosis- celiac disease. GI doctors ( or those with integrity) should have at least mentioned celiac disease, I had never even hear the word, until Dr. Nine. I was so sick, I had to retire, quit driving, stopped a lot of our activities...
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