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Charlia Daisey

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Charlia Daisey

  1. Could it be a sign of being glutened or another food intolerance?
  2. Very worried.. 2 1/2 months gluten free… now having soft, mushy stools. Am I being glutened ? Just don’t think so… Feel fine otherwise, no stomach upset or cramping. Once a day movements. What else could this be?
  3. My 16 year old has been gluten-free for 2 months, has gained back 3/4 of the weight she lost and looks so much healthier. She says she has no more rumbling or stomach grumbling, she had a light spotty period after not having any for 8 months and is acting like her old self, again. Only thing concerning to me is her stools have become looser, not diarrhea...
  4. Thank you for the response. Do you know how long it took for the periods to come back? I know everyone heals differently…
  5. She is not anemic. She is on a gluten free teen multi vitamin per her ped gi. He did say the menstrual cycle will be basically the last thing to normalize.. She is gaining weight in just a little less than a month of being gluten free. I am hoping that is a good sign.
  6. My daughter is 15 and was recently diagnosed after having weight loss and ceasing of menstrual cycles. Anyone else with teenage girls have this occur and did the periods return once going gluten free and nutrient absorption was restored?
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