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Mary Mele

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Mary Mele

  1. my opinion--their daughter has a whole lot more to be concerned about than they type of cake. this is a marriage that needs some help!
  2. Alison...a previous answer (jump back to the first page of comments) gave this site for a UK review. they did a much better job addressing the issue w/ some parameters noted (ie: living gluten-free vs not). https://www.coeliac.org.uk/information-and-support/coeliac-disease/conditions-linked-to-coeliac-disease/infertility-and-coeliac-disease/
  3. So true, Mark! my daughter was just had (all) the tests after now ten years at 100% gluten-free and the docs said her body itself looks like she is not at all Celiac because the healing has been fully complete and she remains vigilant on her gluten-free lifestyle. (and for restaurants--she just calls ahead of time and gets permission to bring her own food...
  4. thanks! the post to the EU studies did address some of my questions so that was a start and what I figured (ie: if you are living 100% gluten-free--these findings likely do not apply.). thanks for all you do, Scott
  5. thanks for your thoughts and observations, Christina. I have come to the place when reading these types of articles that they almost never give the 'reason' someone diagnosed w/ Celiac will experience XYZ. if it is because they are not following a 100% gluten-free lifestyle--then of course...they will have all sorts of things happening inside their bodies...
  6. But this article fails to explain the 'why'....if someone is 100% gluten-free and previously diagnosed Celiac....but are many years gluten-free and even their biopsies show zero sign of gluten exposure/damage---does the above findings still hold...and if so--why? is it the lack of gluten in their diet? or the continued presence of it? way more info is...
  7. and there's no way I would eat at any restaurant w/o first talking personally to the chef. of course, doing it prior to my visit, at a less-than-busy time for them, etc. and like I said, I'm a pretty good cook-so often will just bring my own meal and most restaurants will plate, (knowing still of cross contamination concerns), and deliver w/ the rest of...
  8. you know, if I owned a restaurant I would probably not take the risk of offering anything at all with the promise of Glute Free. I would have to own a 100% always certified gluten-free facility. as a business owner...just too risky, IMO. so I'm always surprised and grateful when I do come across a place that will take that chance and have gluten-free offerings...
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