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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by PME

  1. Thank you for all this info, Knitty Kitty! One last question…HOW did you find a doctor who actually was willing to go the nutrient Route and guide you to these recommendations? Did you have to seek a functional medicine practitioner? Or did you find an open-minded gastroenterologist? I find Conventional medicine always seems to dismiss these kinds of treatments o...
  2. Ok, thank you. I will up it again. I had been taking it twice a day (total of 4000 IUs), but I feared maybe it was the cause of constipation, so I cut back to 1X daily.
  3. Thanks, Knitty Kitty. Wondering...How did you determine the dosage of magnesium glycinate? What would you recommend as "good" B Complex and Vitamin D. (I'm currently taking D3 from Puritan's Pride 50 mcg rapid release liquid softgels but now noticing they contain corn oil, gelatin and soybean oil.) Also taking Nutricost Viatmin K2 MK-4, 100 MCG. Also just...
  4. Again, thank you, Trents. I did read your revised post. I understand that It is critical to know whether I'm staying truly gluten free. I will to to get that lab work done as soon as I can.
  5. Trents, I resisted taking statins for at least 10 years. I finally gave in a few months ago. Cardiologist started me on Lipitor, but I didn't like the leg pains, so they switched me to Rosuvastatin (Crestor). I was taking 5 mg just 3X a week, but because my cholesterol levels were still not where cardiologist wanted them, about 6 weeks ago, she recommended...
  6. Knitty Kitty, thank you. I'm so sorry for all you must have gone through! I've read through all the links you provided. This medication info is indeed disturbing, especially knowing you were taking the same combo of BP meds I'm taking. I've been taking 100 mg of Losartan daily (since February) and 25 mg of HCTZ daily for at least 25 years. What medications...
  7. Thank you so much, Trents, for this thoughtful reply. At the risk of TMI, this morning, for the first time in a while, stools were "normal." That said, I'm immediately switching to a gastroparesis diet, as best I can. Will try to eat multiple smaller meals. I've never had abdominal surgery, other than minor laparoscopic surgery many years ago for a procedure...
  8. Background:,I’m an active 60-plus female. I’m not an athlete, but I play pickleball almost daily and try to get to treadmill and strength training classes. I seldom sit down! I’m 5’4” and weight about 126, so I’m not overweight. My 89 yr old mom suffers from a perilous hiatal hernia. Her stomach resides in her chest cavity. She has had several close calls...
  9. Thank you so much! I emailed the hotel, and they said they cater to all kinds of dietary restrictions and alerted the events manager for the wedding. I'm still planning to bring my Gliadin X, but I am profoundly relieved. I hated the thought of the hosts wasting their money on me!
  10. I'm traveling to Aruba to attend a wedding. I'm nervous about travel with celiac in general, but I'm terrified of getting sick on an island. Should I just plan to not eat anything at the wedding celebration? Should I reach out to the venue to ask what their capabilities are? Wondering how others have navigated this... Many thanks in advance!
  11. Thanks so much for the heads-up about "Certified Gluten Free" labeling, Trents! Hard to find but worth seeking!
  12. This is interesting/concerning to me as an asymptomatic celiac. Wondering whether this testing was done with fresh ginger root and whole nutmeg and black peppercorns, etc. -- or the powdered preserved kind...
  13. @Scott Adams, how do you determine how many capsules to take, and how far in advance of consumption do you take them? Going to a community barbecue in a couple days and even though I will be as vigilant as I always am, I am planning to take GliadinX to hopefully mitigate accidental gluten ingestion.
  14. Hey Scott, I'm pretty much a newbie here who was recently diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I am not "visibly" symptomatic following gluten consumption, but I am now in osteoporosis, so for me (and I presume others like me), the damage is being done "silently." I'm wondering if there are statistics as to the percentage of Celiac-positives who are, on the surface...
  15. Agreed. And I never interpreted people's claims that GliadinX "helps" to mean that it prevented or mitigated intestinal damage; only that it seemed to ease symptoms. It would be great if this could be stated explicitly somewhere...specifially what GliadinX does and does NOT do.
  16. I just posted this for the sake of others who posted that GliadinX has given them relief when they'd been accidentally "glutened." My intent was not to imply that this is any kind of cure for celiac. I have not tried it myself yet but am hoping to do so.
  17. Just a little PSA...maybe most folks here already know this out of pure vigilance...but GliadinX is now available to be ordered again. Just ordered mine from Amazon. Interested to try it.
  18. Thanks for this, Trents. I guess it's time to throw out all my herbs/spices and start over!
  19. Thank you so much for this explanation! Based on my very cautious behavior leading up to this latest test (and my careless Thanksgiving dinner consumption prior to the previous one!), my celiac number "should" have dropped, unless I'm unconsciously sabotaging my diet with, say, herbs/spices containing wheat products or cross contamination in my kitchen....
  20. Thanks, RMJ! It didn't occur to me that different labs had different scales to measure. I didn't even notice the difference in range between the two labs! And it sure would be great to think my antibodies were actually declining if it meant I was doing something right! I would love to understand this better if you have a standard explanation and wouldn't...
  21. Actually, I eat relatively little dairy. Just Fage plain, fat-free yogurt - about 8 oz a day. And maybe a slice of cheese. I don't eat that much fish either, unfortunately. Maybe once a week. Usually seafood - farm raised clams. Hard to get decent fresh fish where we are now. I do eat poultry. Ground turkey once a week. Chicken breast once a week. Otherwise...
  22. Sorry...another question...blood work from last week shows my Celiac number actually went UP. Previously, it was 19. Now it's 21.4. Does this mean I am inadvertently ingesting gluten? Many thanks in advance.
  23. Agreed - any celiac patient who is paying attention to and cares about what might or might not harm or be helpful would use it appropriately. And judging from their comments on their FB page, the manufacturer seems very responsible insofar as not making false claims about their product being some kind of miracle cure.
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