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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by PME

  1. Good to know. As a silent celiac myself, that's how I'm hoping to use it -- for dining at restaurants and at others' homes. I was sorry to learn that it doesn't really prevent or repair damage, but at least it mitigates symptoms for those who are prone to have them.
  2. Thank you. I signed up on their FB page. Have you tried it? If so, has it worked for you?
  3. Glad you haven't fallen. It's easy to see how beloved pets could be a "tripping hazard. So very grateful for all the generous help on this site!!
  4. Well, RMJ, you may have been the one to finally sell me on Fosamax... ! Have you experienced any side effects? Have you fallen at all (hopefully not!!!)? My dexa values finally showed osteoporosis in september 2021 (lumbar spine and right hip femoral neck). I was heartbroken when two of my doctors told me I should NOT ride a bicycle (because of falling risk...
  5. Thank you for this! I often look for substitutes that have the same active ingredient as what I'm seeking, but I wasn't sure if GliadinX was some kind of "special formulation."
  6. Actually, looking back, my blood was drawn for that test about a week after Thanksgiving, which turned out to be my last hurrah for gluten. I ate "normal" pie, stuffing ,etc. I wonder how different the numbers would have looked had I not so recently gone gluten crazy... I just now spoke with my gastroenterologist. She wants to repeat the bloodwork, since...
  7. No worries about Vit D statement! I am just SO grateful for your insights! I don't eat out nearly as often as we used to. I try to be so careful and inquire about the extent of celiac-friendliness...but I'm never confident. Is there a substitute for GliadinX? it's out of stock on the mfr website, as well as Amazon and Walmart.
  8. Since my celiac Dx in December, I have stayed religiously off gluten. I do read labels and try to purchase food products that are labeled gluten free. One thing I haven't done anything about yet is my packaged herbs/spices. Also, I wasn't aware of cosmetics being a real issue, nor is my home gluten free (I live with my husband; kids are grown.) I don't use...
  9. Thanks, RMJ! My mom, almost 88, has had osteoporosis for some time. She gets Prolea shots. Not convinced it's helped. She has had broken bones. (I have not, as an adult so far, broken anything.) My Ashkenazi Jewish heritage puts me in higher risk category.
  10. Thank you so much for responding, Trents! And thanks for test guidelines. I'm a female, 60-plus. My GI symptoms used to be silent, except for some brain fog. Over time, though, when I too much of an extended leap off of gluten, I'd start to get some mild GI symptoms. And now, I consistently have mild GI symptoms when I've unwittingly ingested it. I have...
  11. New here! I was told about ten years ago that I was gluten sensitive, so I went off gluten. That said, there were intervals when I definitely went "off the wagon" for weeks or months and then resumed a gluten-free diet. I was diagnosed with Celiac in Fall 2021 after seeing an endocrinologist for osteoporosis. Blood test showed me to be at 19 for gluten. Still...
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