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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Anniehall

  1. Yes. The paleobfoundation article says that only some of the foods are true cross reactives.
  2. Found this link. Tells what each liquor is distilled from. https://www.thoughtco.com/where-does-alcohol-come-from-3975928 From reading that it seems that Brandy and Tequila are probably the safest liquors for me to consume. I would say rum but I have never been able to handle rum at all. Makes me vomit profusely.
  3. I'm glad about this. I was just asking this question as well because I love Stevia for baking and to sweeten my tea but it does always seem to have dextrin or maltidextrin in it as well which is likely corn derived I guess. Luckily I don't seem to react to corn.
  4. Trents you're going to love. I found some great links on this topic. The pub med has other similar articles listed at the bottom too if you want to delve into it more. 1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8005453/#:~:text=Histamine levels ranged from 3,Histamine is causing wine intolerance. 2. https://theceliacmd.com/the-low-histamine-diet-what...
  5. I gotta post a couple more links. This is how I found out that other foods can have cross reactives as well. It makes but I just didn't even think about it before. Every time I've had DH it involved gluten or a gluten cross reactive that I react to and marijuana. So here you go. Maybe this will help someone. I always got a little runny nose or felt kind of...
  6. Good question. Maybe all wine contains histamine just in varying amounts. Not sure. It might also be the yeast in the wine or any alcohol causing an issue with alcohol in general because yeast is a gluten cross reactive. I love nutritional yeast on popcorn. I don't react to popcorn and when I was doing elimination diet I tested nutritional yeast. It not only...
  7. Another thing to consider is that any food can have cross reactives, not just gluten. So if you react to a food that is not a gluten cross reactive you could also react to other foods that are cross reactives to that food. Etc. Also just because you react to some foods that are cross reactives doesn't mean you react to all foods that are cross reactives....
  8. https://paleofoundation.com/19-gluten-cross-reactive-foods/ Download that pdf. That seemed to be the most scientific that I read on cross reactives. I definitely react to foods that are not labeled cross reactives to gluten as well though. I seemed to be able to figure out sensitivites the best by studying food families of suspect foods in my diet and...
  9. And corn is a gluten cross reactive. So people can cross react to it.
  10. When I read through that link more thoroughly it makes me think the histamine is to blame since it says that red wine contains far more histamine than white and people keep mentioning a reaction to red wine but no issues with white. I wonder if another good alternative could be a fruit wine. Like cranberry wine so it doesn't contain grapes at all. Just a...
  11. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/is-wine-gluten-free#:~:text=Wine is naturally gluten-free%2C but some practices — including,purchase certified gluten-free varieties. Really just because you saw this happen at one winery does not mean every winery is the same. Although people could be reacting to something else in the wine. I just know that wine c...
  12. So does anyone want to try the lysine and vitamin C megadose? 6000 milligrams a day of each taken with a protein sources to see if it works for them like it works for me?
  13. DH and herpes look very similar. Herpes swabs are most accurate in the first 24 hours after a blister forms. One thing I noticed from reading endlessly is dh tends to be symmetrical on the body where as herpes tends to be unilateral. Both dh and herpes have the same triggers because plant based proteins are gluten cross reactives which can trigger dh. Herpes...
  14. Yeah. I've spent most of this last year on a very limited diet and fasting a lot, plus testing foods one at a time to see what I reacted to. I had a 33 day fast after beginning to eat again and I kind of just lost it after. I didn't eat gluten but I ate a lot of other suspect reactors. I didn't react to them for about a month and a half and then bam. Skin...
  15. Honey can have gluten or gluten cross reactives if the bees pollinated plants of that nature. Honey is risky for celiacs. I like Stevia but it often has corn. Agave is okay but gives me heart burn and is highly processed.
  16. I don't react to grapes but wine may be filtered using gluten so if it's not labeled gluten free it may not be.
  17. My friend Merrie Lynn Stewart does good sensitivity testing. She's an acupuncturist in Shreveport Louisiana. You could ask her if she can help you locate someone in your area. She has a protocol for healing the gut of sensitivies. With sensitivities after you heal the gut the sensitivies can go away. Acupuncture Shreveport on olive Street is her business...
  18. Some people on here have said that after their gut healed they were able to add many foods they were sensitive to back in so there's always hope. Just because people haven't came up with a way to reverse or cure celiacs disease yet doesn't mean there is no way or never will be. So let's try to think positively about this and pray on it because there is always...
  19. Have you tested for UTI in relation to the frequent urination? There are at home tests at walgreens. Uti Can be treated with a woman's pro biotic. You want to make sure it has lactobacillus rhamnosis and lactobacillus Reuteri. These are both great for any bacterial issues below the waste. Cranberry is the other supplement you want to take for UTI. Both of...
  20. One thought I'm having is did they do the genetic testing to make sure you have the celiacs gene? Are you of European decent because celiacs is uncommon in African American and Asians and most common in people of European decent. I'm wondering if their are other conditions that mimic celiacs affects on the gut. Also it's possible that one or more of the staple...
  21. This is super interesting. I know chlorella is good for removing metals from the body although it may have iodine in it so for people with that sensitivity it might not be the best. Ginger is a good flavorful alternative to garlic in my opinion.
  22. I react to onions and garlic. At one point it would give me cold symptoms (sore throat, runny nose) every time I ate them. I fasted a lot for awhile and now it's back to just a mild rash and or acne.
  23. I figured so much out today. I tried the niacin I had from way back from trying to pass the pee test. While I was flushing the bumps were subsiding so I thought it's helping but then when I stopped flushing more little bumps appeared. Then I went to my supplements and checked the ingredients in the niacin. There is rice in it. So that was an oh s$#& moment...
  24. I get some type of reaction from rice even but pretty much all grains give me some sort of reaction. Some of them it's just acne. Even quinoa I'm covered in mini pimples everywhere and it's a seed. Any plant based protein I would be suspect of. Tapioca is a root veggie in a totally different food family than grains so I seem to have no issues with it. Although...
  25. I haven't noticed myself reacting to iodine whatsoever. My main protein sources are dairy and meat. The problem with that is lots of saturated fat so I try to get lowest fat dairy as possible to and limit my meat.
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