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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Disney323

  1. Happy birthday and may God bless you today!

  2. Happy Birthday Disney! I sure hope that you are having a wonderful day!!

  3. THANK YOU so much Noglugirl for the lists! I am definitley going to print those out..... and to everyone else who responded......you are all making me feel like I can handle this! My little boy is only 16 months so I have hope that he'll be used to these foods and not realize what he's missing. Thank You again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Andrea
  4. Thank you all so much for this great information! I haven't purchased anyhing yet because we want to wait until the consult w/his pediatric GI on 3/5. Thanks!
  5. DS was diagnosed the other day w/Celiac and I went to my local store and was so overwhelmed with the expensive prices for gluen free foods and the different brands. Is there a website that would be cheaper than Whole Foods? What are your favorite brands? TIA!!
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