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Jim Chris

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Jim Chris

  1. If we only had a Costcos close. We have to drive thru busy Orlando traffic for 40 miles to the nearest one. Dang!!
  2. Never seen either where I live. I'd be satisfied with the Canyon Heritage White if it was readily available at a decent price. The main supermarkets here charge $9.50 when they have it. Walmart charges $7.50 but rarely has it. I'd like to contact Canyon and tell them that their two best breads aren't very available here.
  3. Thank you for your input. It sounds like you have your hands full and Celiac only adds to the pressure. I have been using gluten-free 8" tortilla wraps in place of bread when I don't have the gluten-free breads that I like but can't find. I may try the Three Bakers if I can find it anywhere in central Florida. Thanks for the tip.
  4. I've never understood why gluten-free breads like Canyon Bakehouse or Shar, are so small and so expensive. I have found the best gluten-free bread, size and taste, are the Canyon Bakehouse Heritage Honey White and Mountain White bread products. I am assuming that many Celiacs must agree because I am very lucky to find either of these anywhere. At the...
  5. I've been on a strict gluten free diet since I was diagnosed in April, 2022. My wife has been very good at helping me stay gluten free including eating gluten free main dishes as well. We don't eat out much at all as most restaurants have very limited or little gluten free offerings. The prices of all gluten free products are just ridiculous but we feel that...
  6. I used to be on Celebrex for a long time then my doctors wouldn't give it to me anymore citing the bad side affects. I thought that it had been taken off the market as having too dangerous side effects. I may ask my current doctor about it at my next visit. Thanks for the heads up.
  7. Yes. I have been on a very strict gluten free diet for 8 months. If I ingest any gluten, it really tears my stomach up. That's why I was wondering about the continued blood and weight loss. My gastronologist seems to think the bleeding has to do with my regimen of taking Naproxen morning and night. I take it because of arthritis in my spine mainly but also...
  8. Yes, after many tests, including a Prometheus blood test for Celiac, I was diagnosed with Celiac. I have followed a strict no gluten diet because the least little contamination results in a stomach disaster, usually in the wrong places, at the wrong time if you get my drift. Even though I've felt better with more energy, when I start losing blood cells...
  9. When my symptoms started over a year ago, I weighed about 195lbs. Now I am down to 168lbs. I just thought that eating more veggies, no wheat (i.e. pasta), barley(no more beer) or desserts was the reason I was loosing weight. However, I get blood tests every 4 months and sometimes more. My red blood counts have continued to be below norm in my last 4 tests...
  10. I had some Kraft Poppy Seed dressing on my salad one night this week and woke up the next morning with that lethargic feeling which I get as the first symptom of ingesting a small amount of gluten. We had baked cod and a baked potato that night, nothing else. So is Kraft Poppy Seed dressing gluten free I wonder?
  11. Total wine also carries Lakefront pilsner beer out of Milwaukie and I like it a lot.
  12. Interesting for sure but not sure for what the main purpose it is intended. If it is for only when I've accidentally ingested gluten or is it for daily use? I would love to see something that would allow me to be reasonably normal. But I hope all of the research someday leads to daily treatment.
  13. I've found only 3 gluten free beers in central Florida and have been drinking only the AB Redbridge. It's ok but I would love to try some of these other beers. I found this limited number of gluten free beer at Total Wine. We do have an ABC liquor store that I haven't gone too but will. My question is can anyone tell where I might find any of these...
  14. Yes, celiac not covid, although I just did get covid at the end of June. Very mild and not long lasting. Dr said because of my vaccinations and boosters. So what do we do?
  15. I was diagnosed with Celiac in May of 2022. I had been having lots of symptoms of covid for maybe a year before this. I kept wondering how did I get celiac at 70 years of age. I have had two moderna vaccinations and two subsequent boosters. I believe what you are saying may be more than just theory. I hope there would be a study to prove or disprove it but...
  16. Previous to my diagnosis for celiac, I always had bad acid reflex. So bad that I was diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus (precancerous). After my diagnosis, and getting control of my gluten free diet for months now, not only did my energy improve but so did my gerd. So much so, that acid reflux is now a minor issue. My bowels, bloating and other issues...
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