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Liam R

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Liam R

  1. Yeah these rabbit holes i have ventured down The GI laughed at me when i mentioned MCAS but have tried antihistamines and H2 famotidine they didnt really have an effect I have also delved into cross reaction theory and did elimination diets removing grains etc Tried carnivore tried vegan I dont eat dairy products either I have...
  2. Yes trents Had 3 follow endoscopies and all confurmed remarkable villi I am very careful with my diet regarding CC Thanks for your reply
  3. After nearly 3 years celiac DX i am still in agony, cant keep weight on I have tried literally every diet every supplement every medication in the world I have Drs tell my its all in my head And now my GI wants to test for pancreas exocrine insuficiency I cant really find much on this topic but have seen that it can be a comorbidity...
  4. Thanks knitty kitty, Wish id have understood this better at the begining. Your analogy makes total sense..... Id researched cross reactivity in the beginning but was unsure of how legit it all was, avoid gluten and you will be OK is the rhetoric hmmmmmmmmm but it goes deeper than this. Im really really annoyed that my Gastro Dr...
  5. Hello all again not been here for a few month since my last post.......... Since then i have been going around in circles, experimenting with foods and diet etc. I havnt progressed at all since june/july time in fact the last 2 weeks has been terrible with my morning burning pain and brain fog to top all brain fog UNTIL that is i came across...
  6. Hi Christina, I definitely think there is an element of being overweight at the time of diagnosis, and when one is still having ongoing symptoms and the weight is dropping off i think its only natural to be worried, ( i am a worrier ) I think we all worry and think the worst when it comes to weight loss Thank you and everyone else for your...
  7. Beleive it or not i dont own a set of weighing scales so i havnt kept a record only when i get weighed at he Drs All I know is i havent fully bounced back to my original weight, may be i was overweight at DX and now with the diet change i am at the weight i should be ? Who knows ? But a lot of people have commented how much weight i have...
  8. Hi all, So now i know there is nothing sinister going on and after a year being a celiac on a gluten-free diet my villi are healed after the follow up endoscopy according to my Gastro Dr My ongoing symptoms have been diagnosed as functional dyspepsia My main symptoms are sickness in the morning and gnawing stomach pain high up in the abdomen...
  9. Im currently 2 stone lighter now than i was before celiac DX, im 13.8 dow from 16.0 I was pretty big but athletic Im 6.2 tall and hate being under weight After i can hopefully sort this dyspepsia issue out my last goal will be to get a comfortable weight that i feel happy at.
  10. Update.............. So i had my follow up with my gastro dr yesterday for the results of my endoscopy and my 11 biopsies. He was happy to tell me that all was clear and the villi had healed to normal hooray. He wasnt concerned about bile or gastritis he said yeah the stomach does look red but is not inflamed so bile reflux or gastritis is...
  11. Hi Rogol72, i didnt ask at the time as it was right after the endoscopy but will try and remember to ask when i have my follow up for the biopsy results with my Gastro Dr, My guess would be that i no longer eat massive carb heavy meals anyomore like i used to do, i used to be a very big eater and ever since being a child was brought up to eat all of...
  12. UPDATE......... So initial results from yesterdays endoscopy was, 2cm hiatus hernia wich has reduced from 6cm last year, Small intestine looks healthy and healing seems to have taken place ( villi ) Bile and mild gastritis were found, i had mild gastritis on last scope but not the bile, Apparently bile shouldn't be found in the stomach...
  13. Really appreciate the advice peeps, Russ314, i will definitely be pushing for an investigation into vit deficiencies on my next appointment to the Drs in a few days As i do feel from the advice you have all given that maybe this is now the avenue i need to go down, i really thought that my current diet would suffice its obvious i seem to...
  14. Hi Trents 👋 Only just started taking B12 gluten-free tablets and a a vit juice called natralia ultra about a week ago, i have increased my fruit intake over the last 3 months also and have been eating bananas since my DX. Is the ALCAT food panel via Drs service as i have been thinking about a food allergy test but cant seem to find any that i ...
  15. Hi all So i was DX with celiac in May 2021 via blood test and endoscopy antibody level was 69 i had another blood test May 2022 and antibody levels are down to 6, the Dr says this is good and proves i am on the right track with my diet. I am male 37 years old UK What i currently eat....... Potatoes rice meat veg (basisc diet) I am...
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