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T burd

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by T burd

  1. What positive blood tests show you have lupus? High ANA? What else? Did they find any malfunction with other organs like kidney? Liver? thyroid? I noticed I react in my lips and mouth if I get gluten CC. I have a slight hiatal hernia and vocal cord damage. Celiacs reaction to gluten starts in saliva. so it can injure any part of digestive tract. I had...
  2. Thank you! I do have other autoimmune issues from not being diagnosed until 38. I know celiac does a number on your natural gut flora.
  3. You are awesome. I have thought about this before. I was basically poor until I was about 27. I got food pantry items when food stamp issues happened. And fed by my church when teacher salary didn’t support 2 people. Or as a child our family got some. We would have coffee and tea in those boxes sometimes, and we don’t drink those for religious reasons, so...
  4. It could be herbicides and pesticides that make us sick. Or arsenic from rice? Our cereal should be tested for that garbage also.
  5. You should be able to apply to have that refunded…
  6. I never get flu shots… I have heard one biopsied 7 times before they found the damaged spots. Hope you requested the duodenal bulb biopsy. Since mine would have been negative had they not done a sample there.
  7. Wow I was totally sedated here in the US. Just make sure they biopsy the duodenum bulb and duodenum, not just routine duodenum.
  8. I’m at the point now at 42 thinking I may have contracted tick born illnesses like lyme at 4. Never treated for it. I have arthritis similar to lyme arthritis. Getting worse as I get older. I didn’t gain weight in K. lyme also affects gut bacteria. Some believe 80% of population will have lyme in 10 years. one study did connect mono con...
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3945755/#abstract-1title I saw one of the other posters post this. If you will continue feeding your negative child wheat, consider only Horgan if products, less likely to face glyphosate and eliminate exposure to it.
  10. Im sure someone else knows better than me stats, but my sister’s igA was negative and her IgG was positive.
  11. Hey my Abs.CD8-CD57+ Lymphs were a little low also. The main thing that’s going on with me is increasingly more joint inflammation. I am 42 and I probably last got bit by a tick when I was under 19. The first time I was four. And I can’t recall how many times there were so many. I never thought that I got sick from any of those, sometimes the sickness doe...
  12. If you do get anoscopy make sure they take a duodenal bulb sample and Duodenum sample because my duodenum sample was negative when my duodenum bulb was positive.
  13. Ok thank you! She has actually been mostly gluten free, until March, when she had the extreme outbreak, and has only eaten gluten 2 times since then. So it could be that more than anything. I will bring this info up to her pediatrician next month at her annual. I just want to get gluten free on her 504 she already has for the PMLE.
  14. I don’t see the reply I tried to post yesterday. I am figuring things out. Niacin/ niconic Acid is a different form of B3. I did not realize Niacinamide and nicotinamide were the same thing and the 2 firms of B3 do not do the same things for us. Why don’t they just call them less confusing terms? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotinamide ...
  15. Ok it IS B3 but this other form! nicotinamide. Now it is seeming more connected. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2942169/
  16. If dermatitis herpetiformis is activated by the sun. Someone on a post I made said it could be B2 deficiency. I saw some other thinking vit D deficiency. But it only happens now when she eats gluten and get sun now. We are still trying to figure it out.
  17. Is he still researching? So if we want to order a stool test, do we need to find a doctor that sends to his lab?
  18. I think gluten sensitivity and celiac are in the same genes. How do I order all his lab tests? I got my daughters’ Celiac genetic tests and then I started looking into it and realized that they’re only testing DQ2 and DQ8 at quest labs… and there are other genes that could allow celiac. My 1 daughter who reacts with PMLE when eating gluten and has o...
  19. My functional med doc has me on elimination diet to try to help the autoimmune issues. No soy, dairy, corn and of corse gluten to start.
  20. I had low D at my diagnosis. I was only supplementing D for a while. Then I read somewhere you need to have magnesium and calcium and D together for each of them to work properly. I got calcium plus D and magnesium in one pill from GNC. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32972636/
  21. It sounds like they only did one sample. My duodenal biopsy was negative. My duodenal bulb biopsy was positive. I would call them and tell them to do another biopsy in a different location and to make sure they do a separate sample of the duodenal bulb. it is not standard to have a duodenal bulb biopsy. you have to demand it for some. Mayo clinic had a...
  22. Slightly low D is what I had at diagnosis. I had developed drug induced lupus (which does not go away for me like it’s supposed to) and low D can cause lupus as well.
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