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  1. Thanks for this! Yeah the only deficiency was the vit d and I had quite thorough blood tests done. 👍
  2. Oh my that is horrific! I am not going to be able to speak to my specialist for a few weeks so I am going to remain gluten free and if this improves my cardiac function then I can take it from there. My Vit D is being treated and I am on a good multi vitamin for now. Thanks for the advice 🙏
  3. Hi Kate, Thanks! Yeah cardiologist had presumed it was hormonal having ruled out POTS. My blood pressure is naturally low anyway but having read some papers on this i understand that gluten could be responsible for this too.
  4. So just to check, I don't need to poison myself for 6wks with 2 slices of bread everyday. Would I get away with eating less as you think the antibodies may still be in my system if I get tested soon?
  5. Okay thanks for this, curiously I had bloods done recently for something else and my vit d was deficient and I had elevated thyroid peroxidase antibodies. Was told it was nothing to worry about 🤔 A bit of a jigsaw puzzle but will definitely get to the bottom of it. Thanks for your advice!
  6. Believe it or not only a few days. The dizziness that I have had on standing up for the last 8 months has disappeared, I have gone down a size in clothes just from bloating/water retention and my wedding rings which I have not been able to get on my fingers for 2yrs now fit perfectly.
  7. Thanks for this! I am reluctant to approach the GP as you can imagine having had a 'serious heart condition' for close to 30yrs the GP is fearful to do anything without cardiology's permission. Well that is my experience anyway, additionally I have had a defibrillator fitted after the CA and I am reluctant to add gluten back into my diet which may cause...
  8. Hi, Yeah I am in the UK. No blockage, electrical - my heart stopped / quivered for 7 minutes my husband performed CPR and my son called an ambulance.
  9. Thanks for this! I have not got detail on the imbalance as it was inconclusive and a consideration - so too was a hormone imbalance. I am definitely not keen on reintroducing gluten, however if that's my only option. I had considered contacting my cardiologist with a view to see if gluten free improved my heart function!
  10. Oh my goodness! Both terrifying and enlightening. Thanks 😊
  11. Hi there, I was diagnosed with IBS in my 20's, diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in my 30's after a virus (myocarditis) which almost killed me. Have eaten low carb mostly over theast 20yrs as I was aware that high carb food caused me pain and bloating. In my 50's and had a cardiac arrest recently and they said it was an electrolyte imbalance but...
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