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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scrapmanson

  1. No I don't think so.... Does it cause extreme symptoms as well?
  2. I've had 2 endoscopys over the past couple yrs, both negative. Still hunting for answers. 😢
  3. Thank you, I read thru it and it's so confusing. I'm not sure the difference or which test I got for the deamidated gliaden iga.... There's 2 that are similar in the group. 1 DGP-IgA and DGP-IgG (Deamidated Gliadin Peptide) blood test for celiac disease 2 Gliadin Peptide Antibody IgA (Immunoglobulin A) My positive test from this post is diam...
  4. You say it only takes 1 positive test, does that include the deam gliaden aga?
  5. Yeah he pretty much said it doesn't mean anything.... I'm at a loss.
  6. Yes I was still eating gluten. There were more than 4 samples.
  7. tt iga neg Tt igg neg Diam igg neg Diam iga pos 22.5 range <15
  8. Here's my results, I already had endoscopy and it was negative.
  9. OK, I'll try anything at this point. Could that cause all these issues and pain?
  10. Please Can anyone help me out? My Dr said I'm negative and now says sibo... I'm so confused and in pain all the time! Just had another blood test and the diam gladian iga was still above normal, my biopsy was negative. Please does anyone have ideas or can help me out?? I'm so tired of hurting and no answers! White tongue, abdomen and back pain, bloating,...
  11. Well had my appointment yesterday, Dr said everything is normal..... Like how is that even possible! Now he's thinking either sibo or pancreatic enzyme issues
  12. Thank you! Yeah I get burning in abdomen, bloating, abdomen pain, lots of gas, my tongue is white and sore... But I don't get acid reflux
  13. Thanks, kinda freaked out with what the other stuff says or means in the biopsy, tried googling but it's pretty confusing.
  14. OK guys finally got my results back, doesn't llok like celiac from what I'm reading but I don't see my Dr for like 2 months so I'm kinda freaking out with what this says.... Heres my biospy report...
  15. Just finished with my endoscopy, Dr wanted to check for celiac, so took biopsy but here's what it says, wondering what all this kinda means? Does this stuff indicate posible celiac? So freaked about about stomach cancer! Impressions: normal esophagus, gastritis, duodenitis. Scattered moderate inflammation characterized by congestion (edema),...
  16. My daughter is good now, Thanks for asking. My total protein is Good. I did a total iga to see if that was deficient to see if that's why my Ttg tta didn't show positive, but it came back normal. So only things off was diam peptide of 22.3, and aga ratio barely high by .1
  17. I got my iga back came back normal 167 Range 40-350 Only thing came back in my entire blood test off was. Albumin/globulin ratio high of 2.2 in range 0.8 to 2.0
  18. I got my iga back came back normal 167 Range 40-350 Only thing came back in my entire blood test off was. Albumin/globulin ratio high of 2.2 in range 0.8 to 2.0
  19. Thanks for the detailed resp.... So r u saying it's very odd to only have low dgp? Should I get other tests done or maybe look elsewhere for diagnosis? My original endoscopy was negative for celiac a couple yrs ago... I'm serious so done with not knowing what is actually going on, thought I was finally finding an answer to feeling so bad all the time... Heres...
  20. Why perplexing? What r your thoughts on this? I have no idea, unless there's something else that can show slightly high dgp?
  21. Yeah I've never been gluten free so I've always ate normal. That's kinda why I went and got this other total iga test. If that comes back low then it leans toward celiac if it's normal then?
  22. That's kinda why I'm asking if my tests look like celiac or something else?
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