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  1. Thank you for taking the time to help me understand. That helps a lot!
  2. So with it being in the normal range, does her chances of having Celiac go down? Her tTG, IgG was elevated with the first round if testing, is this new test the same or different than her first elevated test? Sorry, I’m so new to this and really confused.
  3. Update- Just got a test result but I’m not sure what it means. Doctors probably won’t call me until Tuesday. Anyone have any insight to this additional test result?
  4. I received a call yesterday from the Pediatric GI and they asked me to take her in for more blood tests before they do a biopsy. We are heading to the lab today. More testing would make sense going by this article.
  5. That would be incredible! She is on dupixent for really bad eczema. That’s why she couldn’t do the skin test. She has also always had anxiety. I would love if we could find a core issue and treating that could help all these other issues she has!
  6. Thank you! That makes sense she would need to continue eating gluten until she has a definite answer. I’ll definitely get more testing done and ask for the total serum IgA. Thanks for your help!
  7. Thank you for your response and the article, that is super helpful! She does get stomach aches often and she just let me know she often has diarrhea. I don’t think her symptoms are extreme but they are definitely there. I will definitely talk to her doctor more. Thanks again!
  8. I took my 13 year old daughter in to get an allergy test. She has really bad seasonal allergies so I figured we would be testing for environmental things. We were told she could not do the skin test for allergies because of a medication she is on so they sent us in for blood testing. I asked them to test for everything while we were at it. She sometimes complains...
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