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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Scp

  1. So unbeknownst to me malt beverages (specifically spiked ice tea) is NOT gluten free. I’ve gotten so sick of cider I decided to try something new. Coincidently my wife and daughter had stomach viruses so I chalked my upset stomach to that. while they were sick we made a tomato soup which also contained gluten which I wasent aware of. my question i...
  2. Thank you for your reply. I started my gluten free diet back in July. I will say though that I’m not super strict. I do eat stuff out if a fryer when we eat out so I know there’s a chance of cross contamination. My question would be that if I was eating gluten free items, but there was trace amounts of gluten in the oil how much would that affect my symptoms. I ...
  3. I was officially diagnosed with celiac disease last summer. Since switching to a gluten free diet I’ve fell better overall with the exception feeling bloated and needing to burp a lot. There was a time when I noticed the burping wasent as bad but it’s definitely getting back to before I switched to gluten free. Breakfast: 2 gluten free waffles wit...
  4. Thank you for your reply. Yes I totally know about making sure I keep eating gluten so I don’t skew the test results. What boggles my mind though is how much I burp regardless of what I eat but everything you said makes sense. I’m also wondering if getting Covid a month ago has anything to do with all this. I don’t know of any solid research but the fact ...
  5. So I got blood work results showing a TTG level of 100 (whatever that mean is I don’t know but the doctor seems to think celiac) regardless of what I eat I burp excessively 90% if the time. Some gluten foods make my stomach hurt but sometimes not. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
  6. Dietary changes meaning less consumption overall due to trying to eat less gluten. My house isn’t set up for it and I’ve defaulted to salad/rice chicken etc…. my wife is a chef thankfully so the meals have been healthy/hearty but without gluten the last couple days. It was a test I wanted to do for myself to see if anything changed. I am going back 100% ...
  7. Yes you nailed it. I stress about everything by nature but after having our first child this year it gave me a new sense of responsibility. Would that said the thought of something serious happening to me worries me a lot. It’s unfortunate mentality I have but I can’t disregard it. of course I don’t want to commit to a lifelong battle with celia...
  8. Exactly what I’ve read. Thank you. as far as something like a cancer the white blood cell count would be elevated?
  9. This all makes complete sense. To rule out very serious conditions (some sort of cancer) I’ve been focusing on the fact that the blood test didn’t raise any flags other than the TTG levels. It’s my understanding that even if not looking specifically at white blood cell counts they would show abnormal if my body was fighting something off
  10. That makes sense for sure, thank you. im 36 years old, besides excessive burping the last 8 months after meals I have had zero symptoms like I have now. Can celiac pop up that quickly? It’s like there was nothing then all of the sudden I have issues. as for my stool it appears normal. Normally I go twice a day without problems. Lately (I’m...
  11. Ok great, I do have a lot of questions but the main thing I’m curious about is celiac symptoms. I got a blood test done because I’m experiencing GI issues. The test came back with a TTG level of 100, From the research I’ve done it seams like that’s pretty much a sure thing but they want to do an upper endoscopy as well. That test isn’t for a cou...
  12. Is this thread still open? I have a lot of questions and nowhere to really turn because doctors seem to be very useless nowadays
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