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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Tracy414

  1. I’m not sure why there would be food restrictions other than nothing to eat for some number of hours prior to the procedure. The office doing the procedure should be providing you with instructions.
  2. Lymph nodes can be enlarged and tender for multiple reasons, included viral or bacterial infection. You did not provide much information, but either way, if you’re concerned, see a provider for work up.
  3. Are all of his other blood counts normal? He’s not anemic and platelets are normal? Would you be able to provide his results with the lab reference ranges?
  4. Would you mind sharing which company you did your testing through? I’m just curious.
  5. Mine was more on the top part of my ear, but it was intense and has also significantly improved since eliminating gluten. So interesting! Glad you’re feeling better
  6. I have a strange question. Can you tell me more about your ear itch? I ask because I started having itchy ear around the time a bunch of my other symptoms started. Just curious if it’s the same “itch” if you will! All my labs were negative for celiac, but I feel 99% better not eating gluten!!
  7. I agree! I knew for months something was not right, but never would have thought it was gluten. Did an elimination diet and things got so much better!! Started to reintroduce to rule out celiac and once back on gluten, symptoms came back and some worse. I started having tingling in my fingers/toes.
  8. I experienced nausea, headache, increased hunger and generally feeling unwell for a few days after stopping gluten. There seems to be a withdrawal phase for some, which actually tells me a whole lot about gluten. Probably wheat more specifically. It’s bizarre to me, I don’t have withdrawal symptoms when I don’t eat apples for a few days. Wheat is in every...
  9. Not sure where you live, but if you have a Costco membership, you can get two large jars for around $12!
  10. Jovial brand gluten free pasta is good! I prefer that to any regular pasta. The Schär brand of bread is also pretty good $5/loaf). I like the 10 grains and seeds. Loaves and slices are smaller, but taste and texture are good!
  11. I’m not 💯 sure, but that may mean you have two copies of the DQ2 gene. Have you reached out to the company? I did one I got online and it said positive for essentially the same thing, but no clue if it was homo (two copies of DQ2) or heterozygous (only one copy of the DQ2). I reached out and they answered my question. I only have one copy. Two copies = hi...
  12. You can get the celiac antibodies for around $100, online. Poke your finger and send it back to be analyzed. I’m pretty sure you can do vitamins ones too, but not 💯 sure which ones or how they are resulted. May be cheaper and at least give you some ideas about possible deficiencies. Healthcare is so frustrating!!
  13. Is there a different GI that would see you? Not sure where you live, but that seems pretty awful. Is there a way you can self refer? Some insurances allow that. Again, not sure where you are from. I am sorry you are going through all of this and I hope you find a medical professional who will listen.
  14. For background, I’m a nurse practitioner and have worked in palliative care for 6.5 years. We do a lot of pain management. What you’re describing is absolutely nerve pain and I would assume damage from the injury/surgery. Some people find acupuncture helpful. Also wondering if you’ve ever been on gabapentin (some people have luck with that vs pregablin and v...
  15. DQ2 is found in, I believe about 90% of people who have celiac and DQ8 in the other 10%. That being said, I’m learning from this site there is a whole lot of variation in all things celiac. My dermatologist said I probably had eczema or something of that nature on my scalp, but I’m not convinced. I never had flaking anywhere or the typical eczema features any...
  16. That sounds so awful! I hope you heal quickly and it never happens again!!
  17. I’m finding this thread quite interesting. Back in October when all of my weird symptoms starting happening, puffy eye lids and face were one of them! I don’t have redness or oozing, but they are swollen every morning and then get dry from the edema. They did start improving with gluten free, then worse again with my gluten challenge. I lost weight on my ...
  18. https://share.icloud.com/photos/09cX8_IuYtwJJwCBfgrKwN9Qw I figured out a way to share my photos. This was days before I saw someone and got steroids. My body has been clear since, it’s my scalp. It actually hurts/aches sometimes and the bumps have a pattern in which they come back it. They haven’t been as bad as they were at first, but wonder if ...
  19. Wow! Thank you for sharing. The rash I had, started bilaterally and spread the same way. It was essentially a pattern that was equal on both sides of my body. It was so weird. It was also on my scalp. Insanely itchy!! I didn’t itch much in hopes it would stop spreading! I wouldn’t say mine ever looked like blisters, but definitely left my skin “stained” for ...
  20. I’m so glad you were able to get a diagnosis and have an answer! So true. Thank you for sharing, this makes me feel better. Feel off/bad starts to take a toll and you feel like you’re losing your mind when you cannot find an absolute answer.
  21. I know and I would never want to take the medication long term. I didn't have the typical burst of energy, just started to have regular BMs and my rash went away! Long term steroid use can cause a whole other set of problems.
  22. Thank you!! Dealing with a bunch of random issues and having no real answers is beyond frustrating. I had a terrible, itchy rash that spread over my entire body back in February and the person I saw says, "wow, your immune system is angry at you" gave me steroids and was done with me. Thankfully that person is not my primary care doctor. Oddly enough, my...
  23. I'm not sure if this was in response to my post, but when I read articles like the first, it makes me feel crazy. For almost 6 months, I had a load of weird things happening to my body and when I did an elimination diet, nearly all of them resolved or dramatically improved in about 3 weeks. This has been incredibly frustrating to say the least.
  24. I'm not sure what your exact question is, but your biopsy results are consistent with celiac disease. I would interpret these results as confirmation that you do, in fact, have celiac disease and some damage has occurred.
  25. Yes, the test included checking for IgA insufficiency and it was not detected. That all makes sense!! Thank you!!
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