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  1. Update: recieved my endoscopy results. Doctor said she saw inflammation in my stomach and esophagus, but the biopsy was negative for celiac. I'm also positive for SIBO. So doctor is telling me that I don't have celiac disease based on the negative biopsy results. What else might cause elevated DGP levels? I've been gluten free about 2 weeks and I feel better...
  2. I had such a difficult time losing weight for about 7 years prior to my positive blood test a few weeks ago. Doctors always tested my thyroid and told me to reduce my stress. Thyroid was normal and I did everything I could but run away to a cave in the mountains to reduce stress. I'm not sure if my difficulty losing weight these past few years is related...
  3. Is that your tTg-IgA result? Or just the IgA? Usually celiac panels do an IgA test to see if you're deficient in IgA. If you are deficient in IgA, the tissue transglutaminase tests might give you a false negative and other blood tests may be required. What were your other test results?
  4. Exactly! It won't go away. Before I knew about DH or celiac, I would carry hand sanitizer around and when I got itchy I would pour sanitizer allll over my arms and that would kind of help. Maybe the alcohol in it? I'm sure I smelled lovely lol!
  5. So sorry, I just saw your update... Ignore my previous reply lol 🙈 This is not in your head! I know how discouraging it feels right now. I've gone through the same thing with doctors blaming my symptoms on stress, anxiety, depression, even my period when I just know it's something else. I'm not sure how finding doctors works in the UK, or if you're in...
  6. Hi there, I know others already mentioned this, but there are other blood tests for celiac disease. I am in the US and I recently tested positive for celiac but only on the DGP TtG test. Waiting for my endoscopy now. That being said, I'm sorry that you're experiencing all these symptoms. It really sucks to feel invalidated by doctors when we know something...
  7. I'm newly diagnosed so I'm still figuring out my non-GI symptoms, but I get really itchy on my arms. Like an unbearable itch that only loads of hydrocortisone can help. I also get itchy on my scalp and get sores. I think that's more DH, but I'm not sure. Sometimes my face and jaw get itchy, but for me it's mainly my arms and scalp.
  8. Hi and thank you for the reply!! I was totally misinformed then! I thought that you had to receive a positive on multiple or all to have celiac.
  9. Hi there - I need some help/support in interpreting my blood test results. For some background, I have been experiencing anemia and GI issues my entire life and began investigating in 2014. I was told it was just anxiety, depression, my period, stress. Only recently did a general practitioner by chance do a B12 test but "it's probably just depression." 🙄...
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