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  1. Hello, She just said she did a ige and ttg? Not really familiar with these things sorry! Both came back fine And nothing else... just a prescription of antihistamines and told me to go privately for allergy testing. It's got to the point now that my skin is really getting me down and I'm becoming very self conscious along with the bloating...
  2. I have hashimotos thyroiditis. I've always suffered with extreme bloating, but over the last few months I started developing really itchy skin almost like hives, dermatographia, bloating and tiredness. My GP put me on antihistamines, I had a weekend away and ate gluten laden foods and when I returned I was so ill, extreme fatigue, ulcers on my tongue...
  3. I've a range of symptoms, skin rash fatigue bloating. My gp ran a celiac test and one part of the test the IGE has come back within range and she said due to this its unlikely the gluten.
  4. Thank you for your reply, I've actually got a blood test scheduled this week for celiac testing. I'm really keen to get this sorted ASAP!
  5. I've always suffered with severe bloating for as long as I can remember, a few years ago I was diagnosed with hashimotos disease shortly after my second child. I had my 3rd child late last year and just before I got pregnant I started with horrendous face flushing which in the last few months has become extremely uncomfortable plus I devolped very itchy...
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