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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by AmyLue

  1. Also, I looked up your blastocysts. One treatment is Nitazoxanide. That is same medication I was given for my crypto!! 3 days worth of pills was all it took! No antibiotics. Strong antibiotics can also cause C-Diff.
  2. I certainly hope treating the parasite helps!!! Definitely do the scopes though, and have them biopsy small intestine to check for villi damage! You may need a steroid and modified diet to help heal if there is any damage!!!! I found out a few weeks ago that eating out is a scary option for me! I accidentally got gluttened and was sick for a few days...
  3. To add to my previous reply, I was very active and never sick! I hadn’t been to the doctor in over 5 years (other than annual well woman exam)!! But looking back, I can see small signs of gluten bothering me.
  4. I’m so sorry to hear of your troubles…and they sound very familiar! I was diagnosed with a parasite called cryptosporidium the end of last year. At first my doctor wasn’t going to prescribe medicine because it usually resolves itself. The meds did get rid of it! Fast forward a few months, I developed diarrhea, weight loss, low iron, fatigue. Ce...
  5. Thank you! I am a huge milk drinker. I did have quite a bit of milk last week.
  6. It has been a very long road to diagnosis and recovery. Yes, I ended up severely malnourished, way closer to dead than alive. In November of 2021, developed diarrhea. Was diagnosed with parasite Cryptosporidium. Treated and all was well. I developed diarrhea again in March of 2022. By Mid April, I could no longer work. My doctors scheduled a...
  7. I’m 46. Mayo has not scheduled a follow up biopsy. When dismissed, they said plans are to do another one in a year. The stools are a little better today. I am so close to being done with my TPN that I just worry about a set back! Thank you everyone for your helpful reply’s.
  8. Hello! I was placed on TPN in June due to near total villi blunting. After 2 months of TPN and only ice chips for dry mouth, I was reintroduced to food and drink. For the past month my TPN has been tapered and all was well following gluten free diet. This was to be my last week of TPN. 2 days ago, I developed loose stools again. Is it possible that the...
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