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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by cnazrael89

  1. Great group of people on here, as you can tell from the awesome responses! I have posted multiple LONG posts and always get great advice, links to research and the support I was needing at the time! Don't be afraid to ask questions! I have asked a bunch on here and done a lot of reading on here by typing into the search bar at the top of the page what I was...
  2. @cristiana I'm glad that I was able to get my DEXA scan too! They actually had a cancellation the day I was scheduling mine and got me in the very same day even (wasn't supposed to be until after January originally, so that was really nice). I asked my GI about retesting labs after a period of time and they got back to me today saying 3-6 month...
  3. @knitty kitty As always thank you for such great info! It helped solidify some of my thoughts and things I had come upon while reading about copper deficiency. I found on Amazon, Copper Glycinate 2mg (brand "Pure Encapsulations"), I was having a hard time finding any 1.5mg tablets so I just bought the 2mg strength. As far as the vitamin D is concerned...
  4. Hello everyone! I'm a 33 year old Male and I was diagnosed with Celiac disease via blood and duodenal biopsy. My endoscopy was on 10/24/22 and during my follow up visit a ton of labs were ordered, a dietician consult (haven't had my appointment yet) and a DEXA scan was ordered. Much to my surprise my B vitamins were within normal range besides my B6 was elevated...
  5. Thank you for your response! Yes, it is shared desks/computer's, etc. I guess the purpose of the wipes was to physically wash and remove crumbly bits and food that may be there. Thank you for your advice and I will be sure to be frequently washing my hands and having a clean space for eating my lunch.
  6. Newly diagnosed with Celiac disease by blood and biopsy. I've been eating gluten free (whole foods only) for 2 weeks and it has been about one week since my wife and I did the huge purge of every gluten containing product in our kitchen and cleaned everything in the kitchen we could and replaced things that are recommended to be replaced. After doing that...
  7. Sounds like you are doing very well! Good job! That is an awesome achievement and you should indeed be very proud of yourself! Keep taking care of yourself. Thanks for sharing! I was just diagnosed by blood and endoscopy and it's nice to hear about your success! Gives me hope! I've been gluten free since 10/24/22.
  8. @knitty kitty This helps a lot! Thank you for taking the time out of your life to explain all of these things in such great detail! Take care! (I will try my best to be less needy). By putting all of this out here, it is helping me to learn about this disease I just found out I have and also get a lot off my chest and helps with the worry and anxieties...
  9. @Scott AdamsQuick question on this brand of Benfotiamine. I ordered this because it is Gluten free and saw that you also used this company. I received my bottle and it states it is indeed gluten free but it has other information stating that it is produced in a facility that processes wheat containing products. You haven't had any troubles? Does your bottle...
  10. @knitty kitty Thank you so much, I will look through all of those links that you added! I will certainly go back to Urgent care if symptoms re-occur like that and ask for Thiamine IV. I did take Benfotiamine 300mg and my B complex 50 which has another 50mg of the less bioavailable form of Thiamine. I will continue to take them daily moving forward so...
  11. Thank you @Scott Adams! I will certainly do that. As you said, regardless of the classification I now can begin the road to being well again. So happy! My wife has been totally supportive of this and we did the deep kitchen clean-out, replaced toaster, did a self-clean on the oven (which is new this year), replaced food storage containers, all gluten containing...
  12. Well I just got my pathology report! I do indeed have Celiac Disease. Appears as though I've gone undiagnosed for some time. Haven't talked to a doctor about the report yet as I stumbled upon it on my patient portal. Doesn't give a Marsh classification but from what I can gather Marsh 3b?? It doesn't go into IEL ratios or whatever in the report. I have attached...
  13. Well I just got my pathology report! I do indeed have Celiac Disease. Appears as though i've gone undiagnosed for some time. Haven't talked to a doctor about the report yet as I stumbled upon it on my patient portal. Doesn't give a Marsh classification but from what I can gather Marsh 3b?? It doesn't go into IEL ratios or whatever in the report. I have attached...
  14. Well I just got my pathology report! I do indeed have Celiac Disease. Appears as though ive gone undiagnosed for some time. Haven't talked to a doctor about the report yet as I stumbled upon it on my patient portal. Doesn't give a Marsh classification but from what I can gather Marsh 3b?? It doesn't go into IEL ratios or whatever in the report. I have attached...
  15. Thank you @knitty kitty. I had reservations about starting omeprazole as I personally feel the inflammation in the duodenum is gluten related as I started to have burning near my stomach area at the end of doing my month-long gluten rich diet prior to endoscopy. I plan to discuss the omeprazole when I have my appointment to go over the biopsy results (should...
  16. Wow, just stumbled upon this particular old thread and I am so happy that I did! I have been consuming a gluten rich diet for the last month after positive celiac labs and was scheduled for endoscopy (performed 10/24/22-pending biopsy). I was eating A LOT of gluten in prep for my EGD...let me tell you, it has totally made me unwell emotionally and mentally...
  17. Hello all, quick recap from previous posts I've made: Strong family history Celiac disease, personal Celiac symptoms: prompted Celiac testing by my request. Results below. tTg-IgA 11 (0-3 negative) DGP-IgG 94 (0-19 negative) Total IgA 144 (68-408 standard range) Endoscopy prompted by above results. Had my endoscopy yesterday. I was...
  18. Also, maybe the results of the biopsy aren't blatantly obvious and the villi aren't too damaged yet because your daughter is young and you got a diagnosis early? Just another thought...
  19. I am in no shape or form an expert, as I am just learning about Celiac as I go by reading on here and other links that are posted. However, in my opinion if your daughter had celiac symptoms, positive blood screening and an EGD/biopsy with results "suggestive of Celiac", I would think it would be safe to say she has Celiac disease? My endoscopy is tomorrow...
  20. Awesome, thanks so much! I had found and read through the Thiamine paradox by reading your blog and finding the link to that information by Dr. Lonsdale. I'll check out the youtube link! 😀
  21. Quick question on benfotiamine. Since this is a synthetic, fat soluble form of B1 and it is more bioavailable than the common form of B1 in B complex supplements, do we need to worry about it building up and becoming toxic? Or is excess still excreted through urine?
  22. @knitty kitty Thank you so much! Will do! You've been so helpful with multiple posts and threads I've read/commented on. I really appreciate you!
  23. So the first time my son was exposed to a baby food with dairy in it, his whole entire body swelled and turned red and tight...had to go to the ER, Epi pens, etc etc....got formal allergy testing and they said he was anaphylactic to dairy (of course) and had mild egg allergy. He also had a severe allergy (on IgE blood work) to cats. We got rid of our cats...
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