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  1. Thanks for the info Scott. Hopefully we will get some answers soon. The one with the swallowing problems had a biopsy which they said ruled out celiacs, but only one sample was taken and no blood test was done that i am aware of, but its possible he just didn't tell me. I think he would have though because i have been a pain in the ass about it. now i have...
  2. Also my mom is having antibody testing done as she has many symptoms, BUT she tests negative on the 23&me test for a celiacs variant. So i'm not sure if 23 and me picks up all the genes?
  3. I was just diagnosed a few weeks ago and now some family members are being tested, just wanted some input on that. I have the HLA-DQ2.5 gene haplotype according to 23&me and so does my brother. He has yet to go in and get antibody testing. He has 3 boys. One (12y.o at the time)has been diagnosed with UC and had negative antibody titer when that was...
  4. I have celiacs. TTG IgA was 45 (normal less than 15) and EMA IgA was positive with a 1:20 titer (less than 1:5 normal). I will be posting lots more questions!!! thanks for all the help here so far
  5. when you remove casein from your diet, does it have to be as strict as gluten? is cross contamination and minute/trace amounts, accidental ingestion also a problem? would gee be oK because it is just the fat or would that be cross contaminated and therefore not allowed? I guess I have to give up dairy and that is going to be way harder then gluten!!
  6. Just got ttg iga back. It's 42.4 (reference range less than 15.) Ema was positive with titer 1:20 (reference less than 1:5). Is there any point in doing the scope with biopsy? I don't have appointment with g.i. doc until middle of Nov. I think the blood work is enough? Not sure how much my primary can help and not sure where to go from here. First symptoms...
  7. Thanks Wheatwacked!!! I've always known the hcy is a problem, but doctors don't care about it because they don't have a pharma pill for it. thanks for reminder about folic acid. i was taking folinic acid, not sure if that is better, but methlyfolate always gave me headache. i'm going to stop though. i do eat beans everyday so hopefully folate will come up...
  8. I have had high homocysteine for decades which makes sense with celiac, as that would explain why I have B12 and folate deficiency. Also have had low ferritin for 20 years, first time it was checked it was 6 in 2003. So this has been going on for a long time. Thanks for article!
  9. I was eating my "normal" diet. Which was in my mind not very low gluten. Pasta, whole wheat crackers, baked goods on a regular basis. Yeah calling my test negative at 14.9 when 15 is positive is not very comforting. I'm going a little nuts waiting. Hopefully my ttg iga will be back tomorrow. It will be 9 days which seems very long time waiting for the rest...
  10. Thanks for reply! It was the Ttg IgG, which I guess has a lot less sensitivity then the IgA as long as you are not IgA deficient. I have more bloodwork pending. I'm not sure why my doctor (NP) ordered the IgG as that is usually only done if you are IgA deficient? Anyway, will have more info when the rest of the bloodwork comes in. I thought it was the Ttg...
  11. Actually the test was tissue transglutaminase IgG not igA and my test was 14.9 and under 15 is negative.
  12. Thanks for reply! Yes the range for the lab that did the test (quest) was under 15 negative and I was 14.8. I just thought there would be a standard so to speak and if other labs have over 10 as positive why would this lab use 15? Not sure how they arrive at these ranges as it seems to be the same test. It's all in their own interpretation of what is "normal...
  13. Just got ttg iga back. 14.8. Reference range gives under 15 as negative. When I look online, I see the range as under 4 negative, 4-10 weal positive, over 10 positive. Waiting on full panel results. I am 54, HLA DQ 2+, iron deficiency (ferritin 3) vitamin d deficiency (17), high homocysteine (B12, folate deficiency), symptoms:joint pain started with hip ...
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