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  1. My dentist confirmed---- This is great news. I was trying to give reports and studies to the dental chain to inform them that they are a first line health care worker that can see some celiac damage in the mouth. I gave studies to the chain to inform them and spread awareness of celiac disease yet I was met with a lot of resistance and was informed that...
  2. Hi Janine! It is difficult to discern the gluten culprit. I found a stainless steel pad for washing dishes was also a culprit. I did remove my dentures that seemed to be causing problems. I did find that when the dentist shaves down the denture it releases dust which could leach the MMA. Clean and dry them frequently. You can also get a blood test...
  3. Thank you for your response and information. I do feel the long term effects of biphosphates are not fully known and for a celiac this is unfortunate. Hopefully with more awareness there will be more information for the future. I appreciate everyone's post.
  4. Yes, it would be great information to have and to share with others. Thank you for your time. Nancy
  5. Hello! Yes there are other products but expensive. Nylon was an option mentioned to me and I am still searching for more information. I will keep you posted. I feel we need to educate the dental community. I can't believe this large chain never treated celiac patients before and it should not be up to the consumer to know what is in the products. Please...
  6. Ann--I do make a big deal of things because the gluten is so damaging and I am very sensitive. I also had a lot of bleeding after extractions. My blood work was fine but I'm thinking it might be a lack of vitamin K--necessary for blood clotting. I know I haven't absorbed nutrients and am severely osteoporotic but I will now be cautious. I have to have...
  7. Hi AnnK73! A few weeks ago I got dentures. After two weeks of not feeling well and no other changes I had the worst attack of what seemed to be a gluten ingestion. I couldn't think of anything different other than the dentures. I had already investigated the denture cream and decided to look up what dentures were made of. Seems to be that they are...
  8. I cannot believe they ask us to do a gluten challenge knowing what pain it causes. I could not tolerate the gluten challenge. Having two genes linked to celiac, a positive blood test and good results from gluten free diet is good for me--Seriously, a gluten challenge is damaging and causes further anxiety. I would like to put in the suggestion box that...
  9. I recently got dentures. From the very moment they were inserted and two weeks following I had gluten symptoms and very severe. I looked up the dentures which was the only thing new and there is gluten in the MMA. The big chain dental facility staff were unaware of the gluten in this product and I was sicker than sick. I did inform them I was celiac but...
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