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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Posts posted by Maria101

  1. Not sure what topic or category to put this question in…

    dr said I have eczema. I am highly sensitive to gluten and get sick. 
    my question is should I put that I have a disability on a job application and if asked what it is do I have to say. 
    also, should I be on any supplements or medications? Any specialist that non celiacs go to. 
    any test or procedure or trials I could do. 
    I find that drs are not diagnosing me properly and I’m getting annoyed. 
     At work I’m being told to clean my work area and also I am allergic to dust and pollen. Should I be working as a cashier. 

  2. I got tested for wheat and latex and the ige levels are high. What does this indicate? I googled it and google says indicates allergy but the symptoms could be mild, moderate, or severe based on the person. What do doctors recommend for treatment or if there is none and to eat a healthy meal. I already know that dairy upsets my stomachs such as caffeine and sugar, and dyes and the garbage that they put in foods and beverages now a days. When I have a reaction to the foods I eat, not sure of what can be done at home. I try not to take medication unless absolutely necessary. Need advice. 

    My bloodwork from primary doctor reads that I am low in Vitamin D. Any brand recommendations?

  3. The doctor ordered a blood test labeled “ gluten IgE. Is this where I would need to eat gluten or avoid gluten to see if I am allergic or sensitive to it? 
    not sure what IgE stands for. Under priority I see “routine”. Does this mean I will get routinely blood taken to see if I am positive for gluten sensitive or if I have celiac? 

  4. 1 hour ago, trents said:

    If you are going to do a gluten challenge it is best to see a doctor so that if it is positive it will be a part of your medical record. You would need to be eating 10gm of gluten (about 3 slices of wheat bread) daily for several weeks to build up enough antibodies (if you have celiac disease) to produce valid test results.

    Celiac disease is not an allergic reaction but an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten. It involves an entirely different immune system pathway than food allergies do. But it would be a good idea to get tested for food allergies. Celiacs often have a number of other food sensitivities. There are no specialists who "treat" gluten sensitivity. The only treatment is avoiding gluten and that burden is on the patient, not on any doctor. But if you are asking what kind of doctor is best to diagnose celaic disease, the answer is a gastroenterologist. However, any general practitioner can order the celiac antibody tests, which is the first stage of diagnosis. The second stage is an endoscopy with biopsy of the small bowel lining.

    You gave me good suggestion as to where to go and what to do. I’m just concerned when I do eat the gluten for several weeks, wondering what to do because I work and I know for sure that I’ll get sick with symptoms and that will affect my work progress. Is there a way to treat symptoms so I won’t feel as bad and can still go to work? 
    also do you have a recommendation for a gastro doctor and perhaps a specialist to do an endoscopy? I guess a gastro does both.  I live in New Jersey. 

  5. On 2/6/2024 at 8:11 PM, trents said:

    I see no reason for you to go back on gluten just to take the test to differentiate whether or not you have celiac disease or sensitivity. At the end of the day they both call for the same treatment, i.e., avoid gluten. I've already addressed the vitamin and mineral question. Vitamin and mineral supplements are not as important if you have sensitivity instead of celiac disease. On the other hand, it won't hurt you either to take the ones I outlined above.

    could you recommend a at home test or is it best to see a doctor. i just want to make sure i get adequate results back and not a false possitve. for this test i would eat gluten and then take test again? What specialist is good to treat celiac or gluten sensitivity? i did go to a gastro long time ago. i have an appointment with a allergist to see what other foods i could be allergiv to besides gluten and dairy whether or not it could be a type of fruit or vegatable or even seafood or an ingredient that is put in common foods.

    im also also noticing that laundry detergent, soaps, cleaning products as well as makeup, cosmetics need to have no gluten in them. i feel sad because it is hard for me to shop at the grocery store. 

  6. 4 hours ago, trents said:

    If you don't have celiac disease you could have NCGS (Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity) which shares many of the same symptoms with celiac disease, is 10x more common but for which there is not diagnostic test. Celiac disease must first be ruled out. With both conditions, it is necessary to eliminate gluten from your diet. Celiac disease is not an allergy to gluten. It is an autoimmune response triggered by gluten that causes inflammation in the lining of the small bowel that, over time, erodes the villous lining of  the small bowel and reduces it's ability to absorb nutrients from the food we eat. This is why celiac disease causes vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

    If you had already  reduced your consumption of gluten by the time you had celiac blood antibody testing done that would have lowered the test scores. Antibody testing is undermined by starting the gluten free diet ahead of time.

    What would you advise me to do? Would you say to eat gluten and retake the test? Also since I already know that either way whether I have celiac or gluten sensitivity bu eating gluten I get sick. Is there a diet plan of some sort and vitamins that you would suggest? I don’t eat much of meat and seafood. I stopped drinking coffee and tea. I’m also lactose intolerant as well. I’m trying to stay away from foods and veraces that have preservatives and artificial flavor.
    Right now I take a multivitamin. It’s called MyKind Orgánics Garden of Life. I also try to take probiotic. The brand is called New Chapter All Flora. I’ve heard that is good for the gut to detox any garbage in the body. I have on hand if I get really sick and eat gluten, I have activated charcoal. Would you recommend taking turmeric supplement? 
    I’ve heard that is inflammatory and is good. 

  7. Yes, I got a endoscopy years ago, but didn’t find anything. As a year went on my mother and I did a detox diet that eliminated mostly everything and I felt great and was taking supplements as well. When holidays came I was eating gluten and dairy and got sick over the years, but didn’t know that or just didn’t remember.
    I eliminated foods and started using clean products without any preservatives or any dies or performs, and got better, but wasn’t totally better as I still needed to do more research. 
    I got tested last year for celiac, and I am on the border of high normal and going into having celiac. I am not sure if I have it or I am allergic to it, but eliminating both dairy and gluten is the way to go. 
    I still have lots of questions and concerns, so I thought I might join a group and get some support as well. I’ll give others the support and any questions I might know answered.

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